Chapter 4

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My car has a flat tire and it's a Monday.

That means. . .

Dun Dunn Dunnn!!!

I have to walk to school.

On a freaking Monday.

I'm crossing the street when a high-pitched screech comes out of nowhere. I look up, horrified to see Edward's face. By the time I turn my attention back to the truck that's about to hit me, it's too late.

Everything goes black.


Justin Bieber is my bae. Francisco Lachowski is my daddy. Shawn Mendes is my boyfriend. Charlie Puth is my husband.

While I'm thinking about my favorite male celebrities that are really sexy and cute, my body starts to wake up and my eyes fly open. I'm lying in a hospital bed.

"Ow," I mutter when I move my left arm. I blink and look down. I have a cast on my arm. I think it's broken.

"I got a boo boo." I yawn, sitting up. I need to tell people about my boo boo.

I get out of bed, stumbling a bit as I do so. When I step out of my hospital room, Edward's standing in the hall with Rosalie.

I clear my throat dramatically, and they both turn to look at me.

"Hi, guys." I point at the pink cast on my arm. "I got a boo boo."

Edward chuckles. "I see."

Rosalie scowls. "I don't care about your stupid boo boo," she snaps.

I frown. "Edward, your sister's being mean," I whine.

"Rosie, be nice," Edward teases.

Rosalie huffs. "I don't know why you haven't killed her already, Edward."

I gasp. "Edward, can I talk to you?" I glare at Rosalie. "Alone."

Edward nods, and Rosalie rolls her eyes before walking away.

"So," I say.

"So?" he prompts.

"Howdidyougettomesofast?" I ask in a rush.

Edward frowns. "What?"

I sigh. "How did you get to me so fast?" I repeat, slower this time.

"You hit your head really hard," he says, and I scoff.

He's lying to me now?!

"But you got to me really fast," I retort. "You were nowhere near me."

"I was standing right next to you."

I roll my eyes. "Sure you were," I agree sarcastically.

Edward shakes his head. "You hit your head."

"Well, at least I'm not lying."

He groans. "I'll explain everything to you later, okay?" He turns to walk away, but I call him back.

"Now what?" he snaps. "Are you going to say thank you?"

I shrug. "I actually have a question."

"What?" He glares at me.

I take a deep breath before asking, "If you hate me, then why did you save me?"

He takes a step closer. My eyes widen. He smells sooo good. It should be illegal to smell that good and look inhumanly handsome at the same time.

An Edward Cullen Love Story {the remake}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora