Chapter 6

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"ME PLUS YOU, IMMA TELL YOU ONE TIME!" I sing loudly to the Justin Bieber's song One Time as I brush my hair. I start humming the song Work by Rihanna and Drake as I walk out of my bedroom. My mom's at Italy with her friends, so I have the house to myself.

I'm bored. Maybe I should watch some TV.

I nod in agreement. "That's a good idea, Ozzy," I tell myself. "Let's go watch some TV."

On my way to the living room, I freeze in my tracks when I hear footsteps.

"Mom?" I call. "Is that you?"

No reply.

Shit, I'm not ready to die yet. I never got to see a unicorn!

That's when I hear someone groan in pain. I gasp and whirl around to see some naked dude stepping out of my room.

What the hell?!

"Freeze. Don't move. Put your hands up." The words leave my mouth before I can stop them.

Oh my god, Ozzy. You're not a cop. Shut up.

The naked dude looks up. He has black hair, sexy brown eyes, and tanned skin. I don't dare to look below his stomach.

That'll just be awkward.

Naked Dude smiles sheepishly at me. "Hi. Sorry I'm naked."

I gulp. "It's fine," I say. "I–"

The sound of a window slamming shut cuts me off. "Ozzy, I'm here to check in you like I told you that I would!" Edward's voice.

He had to show up now?!

"Holy mother of Jesus!" Edward walks out of my room and over to where Naked Dude and I are standing.

Well, this is weird. . .

Edward stares at Naked Dude with wide eyes. Then he looks at me. "Ozzy, what the–"

"Edward," I say, cutting him off. "Can you stop staring at Naked Dude? It's totally perverted."

Edward blinks while Naked Dude just smirks. I pull Naked Dude a tiny bit closer to me. "Can you give us a little privacy?" I ask Edward.

This gets him out of his shock. "Ozella Stone, what is Jacob Black doing in your house naked?"

Jacob laughs. "What do you think?" he retorts. "Why am I naked in Ozella's house?"

Edward ignores him and turns to me. In a much softer voice, he says, "Ozzy, you shouldn't–"

"No!" Jacob shouts. Edward and I flinch. "You already got Bella. You can't have her, too." He glances at me, his face softening. In a voice a million times lighter, he says, "If you don't want me here, you can tell me."

I shake my head. "It's fine," I say. "Edward's just overreacting."

Edward groans. "Ozzy, just get some clothes on him. I'm going home."

Jacob's POV

As soon as the bloodsucker leaves, Ozzy grabs my arm, which surprises me, and she leads me to a room. It's got a kingsized bed and everything. I think this is where her parents sleep.

Ozzy's beautiful with her curly red hair and blue eyes. And she even acts all confident about it, which is something I admire in a girl.

I flinch when Ozzy slams the door shut and locks it.


"We need to get you something to wear," she tells me.

I smirk. "Eventually."

She rolls her eyes. "I'm afraid that if we don't cover that freak show up soon, I'll go blind."

I gasp dramatically. "Don't be a bitch," I say in a fake girl voice.

Ozzy giggles. "Stay here. I'll be in the closet for a minute or two."

Ozzy's POV

I find my dad's box of clothes right when I walk into my mom's closet. I start digging through it in attempt to find something for Jacob to wear.

He's totally swoon worthy.

I take out my dad's favorite football jersey and a pair of sweatpants. Then I stand up and turn around, bumping into Jacob in the process.

Ugh, Ozzy, why do you have to be so clumsy?! And why does he have to be naked?!!

I frown. "I thought I told you to stay out there," I say.

Jacob shrugs. "You were taking forever." He takes a step back and I sigh in relief. "I thought you were making a plan to kill me or something."

I roll my eyes, throwing the clothes at him. He catches them perfectly. "You're gonna have to go commando," I tell him.

"Sadly." We walk out of the closet and he throws the jersey on the bed and turns around to pull on the sweatpants.

He has such a nice butt.

No, Ozzy! Now is not the time for your teenage girl hormones!

When Jacob turns back around, I quickly look away. I blush when he smirks at me.

Damn it, Ozzy. He knows that you were checking him out! Did you have to make it so obvious?!

I feel like slapping that smirk off of his face.

I watch as Jacob adjusts the waistband of the sweatpants. Then he reaches for the jersey. My mom said that my dad used to wear that every time he watched football. She said that he never let her wash it until even he thought that it smelled bad.

I blink. Jacob stretches his arms above his head to put it on. Suddenly, I realize that I'll break down because that jersey would make me think of my dad, and my dad left me and my mom when I was five.

He didn't even tell us why. Two months after he walked out the door without an explanation, my mom got divorce papers to sign. They were from Dad. My mom sobbed as she put her signature on them.

Without even thinking, I grab a handful of the jersey and Jacob freezes, raising his eyebrows at me.

I tug to show him what I want, and he shoots me a confused look before releasing the jersey  and letting me pull it off of him. I gasp when he presses me against the wall.

Jacob's POV

And I kiss her. Our lips move in sync, and I feel like I could do this forever.

Because I imprinted on Ozella Stone.

Then I pull away before I go out of control.

Ozzy's POV

Jacob's a good kisser, which is why I pout as he pulls away. He chuckles, studying me with his arms crossed over his chest.

I want to lick his abs.

My eyes widen at the thought and I shake my head. My heart feels like it could explode in my chest. I put both of my hands on Jacob's shoulders and shove him away with all my strength. He stumbles backwards.

"That bad?" he asks, smirking.

I bite my lip. "Just get out of my house, Jacob."

He sighs. "Okay."

My hands are trembling as I lead him to the front door.

"Bye," I say.

"It was nice meeting you, Ozella," Jacob says. "Thanks for the pants."

"Call me Ozzy," I mutter, throwing open the door. "I hate my full name."

He grins at me. I grin back as he walks outside, pulling the door shut behind him.

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