Chapter 8

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I'm in my room listening to the song E.T. by Katy Perry. I'm too busy dancing around my room to hear the window open.

"YOU'RE SO HYPNOTIZING, COULD YOU BE THE DEVIL, COULD BE AN ANGEL!" I sing loudly into my hairbrush. Then I start jumping on my bed, screaming my lungs out to the song.

"Don't mind me. I'm just standing here and enjoying the show."

I shriek in surprise as soon as I see Edward, and I quickly get off my bed to turn the music off.

I feel so embarrassed.

I flip my hair over one shoulder and sit down on the computer chair near my pink desk. "Hi," I say a little too happily, and I wince. "Didn't hear you come in."

Edward rolls his eyes. "I don't think you would've heard me break in."

I pout. "My music wasn't that loud!"

He laughs. "Whatever you say, Ozzy."  He goes over to my bed and collapses on it. "Were you listening to Katy Perry?"

"Yeah." I lift my knees to my chest and spin around around in my chair. Edward props himself up on one elbow and watches me.


I give him a blank stare.

"Yes?" I squeak out. He only says my name like that when he's about to scold me about something.

"I have a confession to make," he tells me. "And please don't hate me."

I frown. "Why would I hate you?"

He sighs. "Because I'm a vampire."

My jaw drops. "What?"

Suddenly, a realization hits me hard. I remember the time I was half-conscious at Edward's house and Alice said something that didn't make sense to me at the time.

She's  in our house and she doesn't even know we're vampires.

How could I be so stupid? Alice basically told me that they were vampires without knowing that she told me.

Maybe I am an idiot.

Edward Cullen is a vampire. And it breaks my heart to know that after all this time we've spent together, he tells me now.

I'm taken by surprise when Edward kisses my cheek before moving to the corner of my mouth.

What is he doing?

My eyes close when I feel his lips on mine. I wait for him to pull away, but he doesn't, and that shocks me. What could a vampire like him possibly see in a human like me?

Edward's lips move against mine without hesitation, and I kiss him back. Slowly, the kiss starts to get more intense. I wrap my arms around his neck while his arms wrap anyone my waist.

This is, like, the best kiss ever. And Edward's a–

Vampire. The word goes through my head, and I pull away from Edward, going against all my teenage girl hormones.

"Edward, we can't," I whisper.

"Please, Ozzy," he murmurs.

I shake my head. "No."

"Why not?"

I try to figure out what to say, but my brain is such a mess right now that I have nothing.


"Umm, I think you should leave."

"Ozzy, if this is about you hurting because I didn't tell my secret sooner, then I'm–"

"Sorry?" I cut him off. "God, Edward, I'm not hurt. I'm mad. I'm mad that you didn't trust me enough to tell me that you were a vampire sooner. And that kiss? It was–"

Now it's his turn to cut me off. "Don't you dare say that it was nothing. Because I felt something. And, damn, I know that you felt it, too."

Shocked by his words, I breathe heavily as I force myself to look into his eyes.

I can't deny what he said. I did feel something between us. Like the spark a couple feels in all the cliche movies and books. That's what I felt, and I'm pretty positive that's what it was.

It was like fireworks.

"Edward, you're a vampire. And I'm just a boring human. I don't deserve you."

Crap. Why did I just say that?

Edward just laughs. "No, I don't deserve you, Ozzy. You got it all wrong. You're not boring. You're unique and weird and fun to be around. That's what I like about you. Remember when I told you about this girl that I liked and that you knew her well. It was you, Ozzy. All along it was you."


I gulp. "So I'm the person you like?"

He nods. "And I want to apologize for not telling you that I was a vampire sooner."

"Get out." I point at my open window.

"Ozzy," Edward says softly.

"If you don't trust me that much, then we shouldn't be friends or anything more than that. Leave."

"But I–"

"I need to be alone right now, Edward. Just get out."

"But I also came here to tell you that I'm in love with you."

My eyes widen. I definitely wasn't expecting that.


I shake my head. "Are you serious?" I ask.

"Why the hell does it surprise you that I'm in love with you, Ozzy?" he retorts. "It's  so obvious that I love you. That's one of reasons why Bella broke up with me."

"Edward, you're probably confused. I mean, you've just been through a break up."

He sighs. "Then I should go home. I don't think I could see you anymore. Maybe we shouldn't be friends and just go back to being nothing. I'm sorry that my feelings killed our friendship."

Tears start forming in my eyes. "Edward, don't–"

He interrupts me. "Goodbye, Ozella Stone."

He makes his way to my window and then he's gone.

Why did I reject him if I love him back?

An Edward Cullen Love Story {the remake}Where stories live. Discover now