"I'll go check on them." I say and they all nod, so I go inside, and check the kitchen, the living room, and glance at Y/N's bedroom door, extremely hesitant to check in there, so I go back outside and tell Ashlyn.

"Oh, no big deal, they aren't doing anything, I'll go check on them." Ash says before disappearing into the house.


I walk to Y/N's door and open it as I speak.

"Hey, Y/N, we're all hungry, you two hungry?" I ask, stopping when I see a shirtless Tobin straddling Y/N's lap.

"Dammit, I told you Tobin." Y/N grumbles, moving Tobin off of her lap and I just look at Y/N's flushed face, smirking when I see the red mark on her neck.

"So I'll be out back when you two are ready to come back out." I say before going back out, when I get outside, everyone looks at me and I shrug. "Our child might not be a child by the time Portland leaves." I say and Alex chokes a little on her drink.


"Tobin, I told you no biting, or leaving marks." Y/N whines as the back door opens.

"You also told me to stop as soon as I got below your jawline. I just don't know how to listen today, I'm sorry." Tobin responds and the couple freezes when they realize that all eyes are on them.

"So, you called for Chef Y/L/N?" Y/N asks and raises an eyebrow.

"It was excuse to get you out here." I say and Y/N groans.

"I'm gonna take a nap." Y/N says before disappearing into the house again, Tobin looks at all of us, shrugs, and follows Y/N in.


When I get into Y/N's room, the bathroom door closes to my left, so I look at my kit bag and sigh. It's now or never. I go over to my bag and pull the ring box out, slipping it into the pocket of my shorts.

"Hey." I hear Y/N say as the bathroom door opens and closes, I look over at her and smile. "What you doing?" She asks and I gesture to my kit bag as Y/N goes and sits on her bed, still looking at me with interested eyes.

"Just making sure everything is in there, that I didn't leave anything in the locker room at the field this morning." I lie and Y/N nods.

"You sure? You've been acting weird the entire time you've been here." Y/N says and I freeze. "Tobin?" Y/N asks and I purse my lips now or never.

"Y/N, I want to ask you something." I say, not moving from my kneeling position.

"Okay, shoot." Y/N says and I sigh, taking the ring box out of my pocket and look at a frozen Y/N, and then realize why, I'm kneeling, dumbass I stand up and Y/N follows me with her eyes.

"This isn't an engagement ring, I promise babe. It's a promise ring." I say and Y/N lets out a breath that she was obviously holding, her body relaxing. "I'm sorry for scaring you." I say, kissing her forehead. "I want to promise you that no matter what you do, where you go, or the decisions you make in life, I'll love you through it all, and when you're ready, we'll get married. You're stuck with me, Y/N, for good, nothing you can do will ever get rid of me." I say and Y/N smiles.

"You're stuck with me for good, as well, baby." Y/N says, pulling me down to straddle her lap, pulling my head down to put our foreheads together.

"So you're accepting my promise?" I ask and she smiles, laughing as she nods.

"Of course, Tobin." She says and I smile, handing her the ring, watching her put it on her right ring finger. It was just a simple black band, but it was what Y/N liked, simple and minimal, nothing extravagant that will attract too much attention. She does that on the field herself. "I love you so much." She whispers to me and I smile at her, kissing her cheek.

Talex Who (Tobin/You)Where stories live. Discover now