Seven: You're Gonna Serve Me Tonight My Slaves

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So here's the 7th chapter of Chances of Gummy Bears!! I have a feeling that I still haven't told you WHY that's the title. Yeah. Sorry, but soon enough.. I don't know when, but soon enough I'll tell you why. So comment, vote, fan, anything to make me happy!! Yaaaay, thanks for reading it. Forgive me for uploading sooooo long. Hope you enjoy this :)

*Note: They're gonna get drunk here. But that doesn't mean you can drink, okay? When you get 18, or when your parents allow you, that's the time when you can really drink.

Not because everyone does it means that it's cool, and not because everyone does it means that it's good for you. Just be yourself, you don't have to try hard for people to like you. They have to like you for who you are, and that's what.

Foul language are common, hope you don't kill me for it.


I packed my clothes, took a shower, and ate dinner. Me and my homies are gonna sleep over at Dave's place later and I need to get off that event a while ago, I need to have fun. I'll leave after River sleeps, which will be early tonight. 7PM. So he won't see me leaving again.

As planned, River slept early. I tired him by swimming. I told Lea to chill and call some massage person but she said it's all alright. So I left.

I got there, and found no one inside the living room. I guess Dave's parents aren't home. When you enter the main door, the first thing you see is the living room. They've got a huge, high ceiling with a chandelier at the center, and huge silky golden sofas opposite their 40" flat screen TV. Beside the TV on your right is the small spiral stairs, and across the main door is their dining area. Like when you enter, you first see the living room but when you walk straight, you'll bump on the dining table. The table's good for 10 people, and the kitchen is hidden on your left. And in the kitchen, there's a door on the way to their garden. They don't have the pool, it's me who has it. I'm not bragging but, yeah. Anyway, as I climped up their spiral stairs, their 2nd floor is still amazing. The whole floor is a circle, and the first thing you see is a tunnel like corridor. But that just leads to the balcony they have outside. When you turn left, you already see the curve of the wall. As you continue walking, you'll see a door on the left. That's the gym/entertainment room. I continue walking, and I finally see the blue door on my right that says, "David Bailey". Yeah, so much for being sercretive.

I entered, and I saw them three stuck on PS3s and they've already had beer out. Oh no, I don't wanna get drunk. I don't really drink too much, but we have fridge that just contains alcohol and ice. No food, no anything, just alcoholic drinks. Ironic, yes. I only drink when I'm fucked up. And tonight, I wanna get details off these skunks, and get their photos for future black mails. My favorite homies, Jeff, Dave and Ralph. Yeah, you're gonna serve me tonight my slaves.

I drank a little beer and slowly drank some vodka to pretend I'm drinking a lot. And finally, after getting tired of playing PS3, we played truth or dare. We used a bottle of vodka to work the spinning. First was Ralph. He was a little drunk.. And he chose dare.

"Kiss Jeff's ass." I told him.

"That's crap, man." Ralph said.

"Oh, I'd give you crap. Let's call Hunnie. HUNNIE!!" - Me. By the way, Hunnie is Dave's puppy. "Hi Hunnie! Ralphy here said he wants you to poop on him. You like that?" I said with a cute voice while tickling her tummy, and  she barked.

"KISS IT NOW! KISS IT NOW!" Dave cheered.

"Kiss it now." Jeff said with a smirk.

"Fine." - Ralph. Jeff kneeled, went into a doggie position (I forgot what's it called) and pointed his ass to Ralph. Ralph was clearly disgusted, pointed his lips a little, then Dave pushed him to Jeff's ass. Ralph was so shocked his mouth was open when his face reached Jeff's mouth. HAHAHAHAHA awww yeaa! I captured it! YEAH, BLACK FREAKING MAIL.

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