🌹Fourteenth Chapter🌹

ابدأ من البداية

He chuckled. "My Babe has gone crazy".

"I'm serious"

"Yeah okay i promise~" He cooed in your ears.

You held his face in your hands. "You are so pretty.. i don't want to let you go."

"Then don't let me"

You did not reply.

Night fell and all the boys gathered at your place. Sweaty and greasy.

"Ew you guys stink" You said while pinching your nose. "Where were you guys?"

"we were..umm" Hoseok started.

"at the basket ball court" "at the football field" Taehyung and Jimin answered together.

You stupid shits cant even lie properly.

"Whatever eat up now" You said placing roasted meat, fried rice, meatball, spaghetti, and Hanjoungshik.

"woah a meal?" Namjoon asked.

"yeah let's savour our moments yeah?" You replied.

The boys looked at you strangely. Lately you had been talking as if you were going to leave them. They shrugged it off and started devouring the meal.

"too much too much i cant" Seokjin said patting his stomach.

"it was too tasty (y/n) did you make all of this?" Jungkook asked.

"nope i bet she ordered it." Yoongi said.

"Yup i made it" You smiled knowing that they all loved your food.

"Yo don't lie you didn't even know how to turn on a gas" Yoongi said.

"It is you who didn't now shut up" you retaliated.

"Whatever i still got the swa--"

"Not again hyung" Jimin said.

Yoongi glared at him.

"Anyways i just want you guys to know that i cherish you guys"

And just like that silence fell over your room.

The silence broke when all of you started take polaroid pictures.

They are so beautiful. Why can't i take a picture out and put it on a frame so that it stay likes this. Why can't I put the moment on pause and keep rewinding the it?


The next morning Jungkook entered but failed to find you there. Your number? As if it did not exist in the world. Everything in your room untouched. He came at your door just to find a new family move in.

"umm excuse me? Do you know where (Y/n) is?" He asked the family, The Shin's.

"(Y/n)? Who?" The head of the family asked.

"The one who owned this house before you." Jungkook asked in confusion.

The woman replied "No body lived here since ages."

Jungkook told the other boys of the incident. Strangely all your picture, your number, everything which had you in it disappeared. What was left was only the memories.

"Did you delete her number?" Hoseok asked.

"No i didn't i cant find her number either" A confused Taehyung said.

The boys tried to get back what they lost but it seemed as if you only lived in their memories.


Where have you gone (Y/n). Just where. I want you to come back home. We are empty without you. I am empty with out you. How could you leave me just like this. Did you not like us?Did we do something wrong? Did i keep you unhappy?

Jungkook thought as see lied on the floor with his hyungs after a tiring dance schedule. They were amidst their concert practice. They did not forget about you.


A text message?

Rapmonster checked his phone.

"Go back to my house, take the key hidden in the only vase in the house and open the lone drawer which hangs from the wall. You will get all your reasons. xx(y/n)."


Jungkook shot up straight and heard the message being read aloud.

Did you hear me? He smiled inwardly.

"Can you contact her? " Suga asked impatiently.


"Tonight we go there." Jin said. All Seven heads shook.


On the moonlight night the seven went to the place she resided, followed her instructions. A tape. They took it back and played it.


(A/n) hereeeeeeeee I'm sorry i couldn't write ;-; I guess this story will end after 2 chapters? idk ;-; Thanks for supporting me <3

Officer (Jeon Jungkook x Reader) [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن