Challenge and Announcement

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So, here's the challenge I've accepted.

You are supposed to put your picture up and ask for a casting. What character in what movie would you put me in based on my picture? Yes, I look young, and I kinda am, but I'm old enough to get a job, I promise I'm not 12.

My announcement is...this book is coming to an end, im posting one last imagine and then I'm done. Thank you for sticking with me, and if you guys like it, I may start a second one, more open that just fluff. Also, I'm going to start a Supernatural imagines book as well.

I'm also adding a Jughead Jones (Riverdale) fanfic to my collection as well, this will be posted June 14, in exactly one week.

Thanks for reading,

Stay Street |-/✌🏻

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