24. "Our contract is over"

Start from the beginning

His words to Jimin must have left a scar on him.
"I'm sorry Jimin-hyung. It's nothing personal... I just have to protect my friend. I don't really want to hurt you."

You took his hand gently to not hurt him more. Ever since that day, Jimin had been different.

The only logical explanation to you was that nearly killing Jungkook gave him a taste of what his revenge would be like.
He would have to kill 5 more people with whom he shared memories and brotherly relationships. With Jungkook, he realized how hard it would eventually hit him.


The restaurant he took you to, was indeed special as it was located high up in one of the highest skyscrapers in town. It was one of the business district buildings, but it had a restaurant at the top.

The walls were actually perfectly scrubbed windows from bottom to top, completely engulfing the room in daylight.
The prices here would probably be too high for you to even be able to count.

"You don't have to worry, lots of professional killers, agents, mafia bosses and such come here", Jimin whispered over to you.

So you were actually in the midst of what would normally have been your enemies.

Looking around you, you saw lots of men and women, decorated in all sorts of jewlery and accessoires.
Compared to them, you and Jimin looked more like commoners.

Jimin told you to order anything you wanted. Everything was totally overpriced so you took the cheapest dish you could find.

Jimin used to have very rich parents, but they died and left him alone. He inherited all the money.

Just as he wanted to say something after a while of silence, another presence at your table drew your attention.

"Park Jimin, well I'll be damned", the man smiled intimidatingly.

The man wasn't very tall, but you could tell he was one of those influential, high positioned jerks. Judging by the rings and scars on his hands, you could only guess he was involved in shady businesses.

He spoke in a very harsh satoori accent, making the sentence sound more dramatic than it actually was.

Jimin's gaze fell on the man, seeming unpleasantly surprised.
"What do you want Hongbin?"

The man chuckled.
"You can't greet an old friend?"

"You're no friend of mine", Jimin snapped and pretended to be busy with something else.

Hongbin faked a sad face.
"Oh? But I thought we parted on good terms. I did save your ass, didn't I?"

A rich man like him using the word ass really didn't fit the picture. Jimin hissed, his gaze meeting yours. He obviously didn't like you hearing this.

Hongbin's eyes travelled to you as well.
"Oh, is that her...?"

You gulped. Something about his gaze disguisted you. He had this greedy and selfish aura radiating from him as he admired you from head to toe, your body feeling like it was made of thin ice.

Jimin shot up from the table, knocking over a glass.

Everyone in the room stared at your table for a moment.

Jimin was only a little shorter than Hongbin, but seemed a lot weaker even though he had much muscle.

Hongbin let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Fine... I'll contact you again later, since you didn't reply to my request yet."

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