Super Franky and Sabo

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"We are all failures- at least the best of us are."―J.M. Barrie

Sabo woke up pretty early that morning which wasn't that unusual but still rather weird. He turned to see if Ace was awake and wasn't too surprised to see the brunet brother all spread out with his blankets tossed to his feet. Ace had his mouth open and a trail of drool was slipping from the corner causing Sabo to laugh slightly.

"And you say Luffy is a weird sleeper." He smiled as he tried to step lightly onto the ship's floor boards without waking anyone else in the room. He said anyone else because he saw the moment he moved how Luffy and Zoro's eye opened up to look at him before closing once more.

"Really, nothing gets past you guys does it?" Sabo whispered knowing that Luffy was a bit more cautious now than he was as a kid.

Stepping slowly he climbed the stairs up to the deck where a fresh wave of sea air hit him. Sabo loved the air here; he loved the way it was so fresh and clean with nothing to pollute it. Smelling the air he could swear he smelt bacon and eggs being cooked but his nose was nowhere near as strong as Luffy's or Ace's to prove that until he went to see.

"I was wondering when you'd come up." Sanji said flipping his bacon on the pan before stepping over to flip the eggs properly.

"Yeah I like to see the morning sun." He admitted and Sanji chuckled.

"Breakfast won't be ready for a while why don't you go clean up?" He asked Sabo who just shrugged.

"Nah I'm good." He said taking a seat and Sanji looked back at him.

"The lovely ladies don't like it when we get dirty." He said to Sabo who shrugged.

"We've only been here a few days and we'll be home soon enough so no thanks." Sabo said to him and Sanji sighed beginning to see where Luffy learned his stubborn nature from.

"Then if you're not going to clean yourself up get out of my kitchen you shitty brat!" Sanji said to him and Sabo laughed quietly knowing that the chef meant no harm.

"Mn, I'm gunna wander around." He said leaving the chef to his work and morning routine. Walking around the ship he took every inch of it in. This was Luffy's home, not the jungle, not the forest, not anything else just this place. This place was where he belonged now and he could see Luffy in every crack and corner of the ship.

"If I'm not dead then where am I?" Sabo asked himself since that had been bothering him. Luffy had said he was elsewhere when Ace died meaning he wasn't there to prevent it.

"Why wasn't I there?" He questioned again and as much as he wanted to ask the crew about it he knew they knew nothing. Robin seemed to be the only one with a clue on him in this time but she didn't look like she was going to say a word.

"What are you thinking about, Little bro?" A large man asked and Sabo had to stop himself from walking into him he was so zoned out.

"Nothing." Sabo lied quickly and the man who if Sabo remembered correctly was named Franky looked at him not believing him.

"I've seen what thinking about nothing looks like. Luffy has that look quite often; your look was not so super." He said placing his large hands on his hips.

"Uhmmm Why aren't you wearing pants?" Sabo asked him carefully knowing this guy was a lot bigger and probably a lot stronger than him.

"Because they would get in the way of my perverted SUPER self." He said and Sabo just blinked at him.

"Riiiggghhhtttt...." He was starting to wonder where Luffy found these people.

"Sanji is still making breakfast so why don't you help me out little bro." Franky said and Sabo raised a brow.

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