Afternoon Two and Answers Given

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"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." ― Søren Kierkegaard

Luffy activated gear second but he knew it was too late, Ace had heard and now he knew, dammit.

"Fire Fist is dead and that's a kid idiot!" Another marine shouted. Luffy was moving with both boys now in his arms he was speeding as far away from those damned people as fast as he could knowing that they were just rookie marines.

Once they got some where safe away from the mess he put them down and took some deep breaths leaning away from his brothers.

Ace was in shock, he had just learned he was dead. The shock started to wear off but a new feeling was replacing it fast-anger.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ace asked through gritted teeth but Luffy didn't look at him.

"Because it wouldn't have made a difference either way." Luffy said now

"You don't know that!" Ace shouted at Luffy and was ready to do more but Luffy turned around his eyes dark and sad, tears on the edge of them and Ace knew he had hurt his little brother. Whether it was from his shouting or reminding him that he was gone, Ace wasn't sure.

"How'd you get that scar?" Sabo asked Luffy now wanting to know the facts if he could. Luffy sighed looking to the forest floor and dropped his back pack to the ground and sat on it.

"I was punched in the chest." He admitted and Ace walked forward touching it with his hand for the first time.

"Did it hurt?" He asked knowing it was a stupid question.

"I don't remember." Luffy said looking up into Ace's deep brown eyes. Even if Ace was a child here the comfort of talking with his brother was natural and wonderful.

"Why don't you remember?" Sabo asked him and Luffy frowned.

"After...After you died...I lost my mind." Luffy said softly and Ace's eyes widened at those words.

"I was really sick when it happened and I was pushed over the edge and blacked out." Luffy said but turned to Ace with a small smile.

"If it wasn't for the people you called your family I would be dead as well." Luffy said and Ace felt like crying, for the first time in his entire life he felt like truly crying.

"How'd I die?" He asked needing to know the truth.

"Protecting me." Luffy whispered softly and Ace let his mouth form into a smile.

"I'm glad." He said and it was Luffy's turn for his eyes to widen.

"You shouldn't have! You shouldn't have wasted a thought on me! I was there to protect you!" Luffy yelled at the boy and Ace didn't understand much of it but he knew that Luffy's hurt was still there.

"It's what big brothers are for; I bet Sabo would have done the same for you." Ace said and he did what he always did when Luffy was particularly upset. He took the straw hat off the man's head and ruffled his hair soothingly as if telling Luffy he was going to be alright.

"I was there right?" Sabo asked Luffy needing to know and Luffy sighed.

"No you weren't." He admitted and Luffy fell silent as Sabo frowned deeply.

"Where was I?" He asked and Luffy didn't feel like telling him, not this time, not now.

"Elsewhere." He said and Sabo didn't want to let that go but chose for this moment to.

"But you're okay now right?" Ace asked Luffy who was able to actually form a small smile.

"I've got my crew." He said and Ace grinned while still brushing Luffy's hair with his fingers.

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