Meet the Crew

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"Things aren't often what they appear to be at first blush. But embarrassment is."―Jarod Kintz

Luffy was sitting in the galley of his ship a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind at once.

"Oi Luffy, your food will get cold." Sanji said taking in a deep breath of his cigarette.

"Huh? Yeah, sorry." Luffy said picking up his meat and taking a bite but his heart wasn't really into it.

"Want to talk, shit captain?" Sanji asked him not returning to the kitchen but taking a seat beside Luffy. Zoro was sitting in a corner his eyes closed but all knew he was listening and watching.

"It's...well I'm confused." Luffy admitted and Sanji raised a brow not understanding.

"I'm so happy to see Ace again but at the same time it's like I'm being shot with a sea stone bullet. It's a good feeling but an awful feeling at the same time." He tried to explain and Sanji nodded knowing what Luffy was probably trying to say. He was happy to see his brother but knowing the fate of the child right in front of him wouldn't be easy for any one.

"So what's your plan Luffy? Are you going to distance yourself from them?" Sanji asked him and Luffy shook his head.

"They're smart-smarter than me at least, they'd know something was up if they don't already." Luffy sighed knowing that Sabo was the thoughtful one but Ace was the observer.

"And it's not like I hid my scar or anything." He said shrugging his shoulders his hand touching his large scar across his chest.

"We can't change the future so easily." Robin said looking up form a pile of books she had about the island they just escaped from.

"But we can't pretend like they're not here as well." Sanji sighed blowing out smoke.

"What's your orders, captain?" Sanji asked and Zoro opened his eye to look at Luffy carefully.

"We'll treat them as guests until we get them home." Luffy said and all smiled knowing that was the plan from the beginning.

"But we won't tell them anything big about the future." Robin added to make sure all present knew not to open their mouths. The ones who were in the galley listening at this moment were Zoro, Usopp, Brook, Sanji, Luffy and Robin. Robin would relay the information to Nami and Usopp was already making his way to talk to Franky. Law was sitting by the tree on the deck so Usopp would tell him what he could on his way to see was with thr boys so he hoped the doctor was smart enough not to say anything crazy.

"Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho maybe we can learn a little more about yourself Luffy-san." Brook laughed out and Luffy head tilted to the man.

"Eh? If you wanted to know more about me all ya gotta do is ask!" Luffy said before smiling and finishing his snack feeling a bit better.

"Why not take this time to enjoy being with your brothers Luffy, this is a once in a life time opportunity." Robin said with a small smile and Luffy nodded. He knew the fate that awaited Ace but right now his brother was within arm's reach so he was going to enjoy it while he could.

Nami had snatched the boys away from Chopper once she had been given the okay and brought them up to the bathing area.

"You boys have had a hard day why don't we relax a bit before dinner." She said to them and they paled at the idea of bathing with her.

"W-we can do it ourselves." Sabo tried to say through blushing red cheeks and Ace was the color of a ripe tomato.

"Nonsense it's such a waste of clean water so let us take the bath together." Nami said waiting impatiently for the boys to strip down since the water was at a perfect temperature right now.

Through TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora