Nami and Usopp

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"I'll never stop dreaming that one day we can be a real family, together, all of us laughing and talking, loving and understanding, not looking at the past but only to the future."-LaToya Jackson

Sabo was happy and even though he knew he was going to be going home soon he felt content here being with these people. Luffy was smiling more now which greatly relieved Sabo since the sad Luffy really wasn't the brother he had come to know and love.

Luffy was walking along the ledge of the railing while Usopp was fishing for their lunch.

"Luffy you're going to fall in." Nami called to him from the upper deck a pen behind her ear and her hair pulled back into a loose ponytail.

"No I won't I'm being carefullll-." Luffy began to say as he tripped over his own foot and slipped off the deck.

"Told you." Nami said but didn't move to help her captain which confused Sabo, didn't she care if he fell in or not? Sabo was about to yell at her to help but a green blur had jumped down from the astronomy tower like it was nothing before jumping into the water after Luffy.

"Thanks Zoro!" Luffy said once the swordsman had helped get all of the water out of Luffy's lungs.

"Honestly." He said but Sabo could hear no anger in his voice but he saw it in the man's face when Luffy got back up and jumped on the railing once more.

"Luffy get the heck off of that damned railing!" He shouted grabbing the rubber boy by the ear and dragging him away from that part of the ship all together.

"Nap time." He told Luffy pushing him down to the grass and while Luffy pouted he didn't disobey as he began to stretch himself out on the grass and put his hat over his eyes.

"What just happened?" Sabo asked Usopp who was packing up his fishing equipment.

"Ah Zoro is rather protective of Luffy-I mean we all are protective of him but Zoro is the vice-captain so it's a whole other level of protection." Usopp said to Sabo who just nodded his head.

"But how was he able to just get Luffy to nap like that!?" Sabo was able to get Luffy to do most things but not ever that quickly.

"They have a weird bond, one that even we can't quite explain." Usopp said shrugging his shoulders

"It's better that way." Ace said coming up beside Sabo smiling at the now snoring Luffy.

"You trust him?" Sabo asked Ace quietly looking at the sleeping pair and Ace nodded.

"Yeah I trust him with my treasure." He turned his eyes to Luffy and smiled. If Ace could trust them then he might as well do the same.

"Sabo can I see you for a moment?" Nami called but it sounded more like she was demanding him to listen.

"Uhh, sure." He said running up the stairs to see what she wanted.

"I need you to come with me." She said simply but Sabo wasn't moving.

"I'm not taking a bath with you." He said and Nami turned to look at him a sly smile on her face.

"Oh, what a naughty boy." Sabo couldn't stop the blush on his face at her words as she laughed at him.

"I need your help on something that's all." She turned away from them and motioned for Sabo to follow her to where she drew her maps.

"You went and explored the island with Luffy; do you remember much of it?" She asked him taking a seat and rolling out chart paper.

"Yeah the island isn't as big as it looks." Sabo said pulling a chair up beside her and looking at the blank map before realization came to him.

"You're a navigator!" He exclaimed looking around the room and seeing all of the rolled up maps in their own special place.

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