Zoro, Robin, and Garp, Evening Two

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"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."-Nelson Mandela

When they had gotten back Ace and Sabo were still trying to pull themselves off the grassy deck.

"Damn you..." Ace said rubbing the back of his head and even Sabo's eyes were filled with murderous intentions.

"I wouldn't bother." Zoro said sighing helping the boys up and Ace looked at him curiously before Zoro continued.

"I've been rocketed so many times I've lost count. He won't stop no matter how many times you threaten him." Zoro said with a smile and Ace sighed as well.

"Where'd he go?" Sabo asked looking around for Luffy who had just walked away no laughter, nothing.

"Don't know it's not like him to just leave unless foods being cooked..." Zoro said now looking around the ship for his captain only to see him heading towards Law. Zoro listened closely just in case and he froze after hearing his captains words.

"They know." Zoro directed his eye down to Ace and Sabo frowning.

"I take it you had a lot happen?" He asked them and Ace nodded.

"Oi Robin." Zoro called out to his friend and Nakama she just looked up from the book she was reading by her flowers.

"You should show Sabo around the library he looks smarter than this guy here." Zoro said pointing his thumb at Ace who growled bat Zoro in annoyance. Robin's blue eyes were meeting Zoro's silver one reading him like one of her books before she smiled and offered her hand to Sabo.

"Follow me Sabo." She said but Sabo was grateful since he wanted to talk to Robin on her own.

"Let's talk kid." Zoro said pulling Ace to the side leaving the group. Sitting down in his regular spot on the ship he pulled out a bottle of Sake and opened the lid off quickly before pulling out a glass from under the bench by the tree.

"Don't you just drink it by itself?" Ace asked him and Zoro nodded glad the kid knew he wasn't into giving up his bottles.

"This is for you." He said pouring some of the liquid in the cup and pushing it towards Ace who just stared at the stuff.

"Don't tell me you've never had a drink before?" And though he would never offer some to any other child he had a feeling that Ace wasn't just any other child.

"When men share drinks they become brothers." He said repeating his oath that had bonded Luffy, Sabo and himself together forever.

"And that's what we are here, a family." He said and Ace looked at him.

"How'd you find out?" Zoro asked he wasn't one to beat around the bush.

"A marine told us and Luffy confirmed it." Ace whispered and Zoro felt sorry for the child.

"Damn marines they always mess everything up." He scowled but Ace shook his head.

"No I'm alright. I'm glad I know now and it all makes sense. Luffy has been clinging to me ever since I get here and now I know why." Ace was glad to actually talk about this even if it sucked.

"I'm sorry." Zoro said after a moments silence and Ace looked at him confused but Zoro was looking away.

"You left him in our care and we failed you." He admitted but that just confused Ace more.

"How'd you fail me? It's not like you killed me or anything...You didn't kill me right?" He asked Zoro cautiously and Zoro laughed.

"Like I could kill you!" He laughed some more and it made Ace feel better because it made him feel like he was going to be strong.

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