Chapter Thirteen

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all the love for this story! It means so much you guys have no idea! This story is slowly coming to an end as sad as I am to see it go i feel that their journey is slowly coming to an end. Thank you all so much

Jax stood nervously by Chibs and Opie, his eyes looking to the back as he nervously went over what he was going to say. The first time he got married he wasn't nervous, hell he wasn't even happy, but this time it was different in so many ways. Cora was his everything, more than his old lady, she was his one and only.

Jax looked up as he felt a tap on his shoulder, Cora and his mother walking from the back, his eyes going straight to Cora. Jax smiled as his mother walked his future wife up to him, his body shaking as he took her hands in his, Cora wiping a tear from his face as a chuckle escaped his lips.

"We all know why we are here—so Jackie boy, go ahead." Chibs said as Cora covered her face in her hand loving how informal everything was. Her stomach was churning and her feet were swollen, but she didn't care, the man in front of her loved her and she loved him. It was a true love that wasn't brought on by fear, or convenience, or forced by faith, it was a love that she knew was only going to come once in a lifetime.

"Cora, I love you and it's because of you that I am standing here today. The night you met me, I was wreck, I was searching for answers at the bottom of a bottle and the next thing I knew I saw this angelic face standing over me. You saved me that night more ways than one and I swear on everything that I have, I will be the best husband and father I can be. You are my salvation, Cora and without you, I am shit. You accept me as who I am and accept my life for all its bullshit, and you took my son into your life without any hesitation. I promise from now on, I won't roll my eyes when you get those midnight cravings, and I promise I will put the seat down." Jax said as everyone laughed, Cora smiling huge as a tear of joy fell down her cheek. "I love you more than I thought I could love someone and with this ring, I promise to love and protect you until I take my final breath." Jax finished as he slipped the ring onto her finger, a smile on his face so big his cheeks began to hurt.

Cora smiled as she took a deep breath her stomach churning as she felt the bile rise to her throat. Before she could speak she rushed over to the large trash can and vomited, Jax holding her hair and rubbing her back as Gemma rushed for a towel. "I swear those aren't my vows." Cora said as she felt the room spinning.

"It's alright baby, you are carrying our babies." Jax said as he kissed the top of her head. Cora wiped her mouth and took a long drink of water, not wanting the vomit on her breath during their first kiss. She smiled as she took her hands in his, her heart racing as she stared into his eyes.

"Jax, the night I met you was one of the worst nights of my life. I belonged to a cult that told me that women were to be seen and never heard and to never question what I saw or what happened to me. You tell me constantly how I saved you, but Jax you saved me from a life of silence and pain. You saw past my innocence and fear and showed me parts of the world I never knew existed. From the time, I can remember I was told to stay away from men like you, but right now, I couldn't be prouder than to stand by your side as your wife and mother of your children. From this moment, I will love you and I will calm you when you need it, and I will constantly remind you to slow down. You were my salvation and I will never regret leaving everything I ever knew behind, for a man who loves me and a family who cares. I love you Jackson Teller and I swear from this day I will love you and I will protect you, until I take my last breath." She said as she slipped the silver band onto his finger, her heart racing as their lips finally met.

Their first kiss had been beautiful but this kiss took the cake, since it was their first as husband and wife, and Cora knew that no matter what, her life was never going to be the same.

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