Chapter Ten

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The moment Jax and Cora entered his home, they left a trail of clothes towards the bedroom, no words spoken as Jax took Cora into his arms. Their lips crashed together, her body shaking as everything around her felt familiar and comforting. Cora sighed as Jax broke the kiss the moment they fell to the bed, his hand pulling her bra and panties off as her hands pushed his boxers over his butt and down his legs.

"Jax!" She whimpered as he entered her, his hands gently cupping her face as he pushed deep inside her. Cora wrapped her arms around his neck as she closed her eyes and surrendered to the moment, the feeling of Jax all around her made everything that was wrong in the world disappear.

"I love you Cora, I love you so much." He moaned as he rolled them over, Cora straddling him as she felt nervous in the moment. Jax shot up from the bed, his lips gently pecking hers as he grabbed her hips and moved them in perfect rhythm with his own.

"I—love you Jax." She said as she kissed his lips hard, Jax feeling a small tear spring to his eyes as she finally said the words he had been waiting to hear. Jax gently grabbed a handful of her hair as he pulled her head back, his lips trailing along her neck as he felt her contract around him.

Hours later they laid in bed, her head resting on his chest as she traced the outline of his Abel tattoo, his fingers gently running up and down her back as they enjoyed the comfortable silence. "I love you." She said once again, Jax chuckling as she had said it over ten times in the last hour.

"I love you too, baby—So did I bring back anything?" Jax asked as he rolled over her, his hand gently running over her face.

"Just a feeling, like I said—I know I love you. I can't remember falling in love with you, but I know I love you." She said with a smile as Jax playfully gave her a raspberry on her neck, before slipping from the bed. Cora smiled as she watched Jax slip on his clothes, her eyes going to his large Sons of Anarchy tattoo, a memory instantly coming back.

"Your crow?"

"What?" Jax asked in confusion as he looked back at her.

"You wanted me to get your crow—we were lying in bed, and you asked me if I would ever get a tattoo, and I said yes." Cora said as she sat up, Jax crawling into bed as he kissed her lips hard with his.

"That's right—we were going to get it done for my birthday." Jax said as he looked down at her hand, wishing that his grandmothers ring was resting on her finger.

"When is your birthday?"

"Two days from now, I don't expect you to do it—you don't even remember all of me." Jax smiled weakly as he kissed the corner of her mouth before slipped from the bed. "Oh shit!" Jax yelled as Cora jumped on his back, her arms wrapped around him along with her legs as a laugh escaped him as he tried to stay balanced.

"Don't go yet! Just five more minutes. They don't need you at that meeting." She pleaded as she jumped down, Jax biting his lip as he took in her naked body watching as she slipped into bed and gave him a look.

"I ain't tellin you no, darlin." Jax said as he pulled his shirt over his head, their eye connected as he felt his cock grow hard and ready to make another sweet memory.


Jax woke as the sun was peering through his window, his naked body barely covered by the sheet as he saw he was alone in bed. Jax smiled as he heard voices in the kitchen, the smell of eggs and bacon filling his nose as he slipped on his sweats and walked out of the bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe as he watched Cora hold Abel as she cooked, a smile on her face as she sang him a song, watching as his son kicked his legs and arms.

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