Chapter One

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Jax sat in the hospital bed, his back aching as he waited for his brothers to bring him real food. It had been almost two days since his crash, and four days since Tara had left him in the middle of the night. Jax didn't know what he had done wrong or what he hadn't done at all, the only thing he knew was that the woman he had loved since he was 16 had broken his heart again. Jax knew it was stupid what he did, since he had his newborn son and club needing him, but in that moment on the road going over 100 miles an hour, he didn't want to live.

Jax smiled when he thought about the angel who had saved him, remembering how the rain was coming down around her as she held his hand and brought him comfort in a moment he needed it most. He knew her name was Cora and that Unser and the guys had basically saved her from a strict religious community that was nestled outside of Charming.

"Morning sweetheart." His mother, Gemma said as she walked into the room, Clay behind her along with Tig and Happy.

"Thanks ma." Jax said as he took the bag, Tig snatching it away before he could grab anything, Jax rolling his eyes as he knew they were all busting his balls. It wasn't hard for them to figure out what he had done and why he had done it, which meant he was going to be taking shit for a long time. "When I can I— "Jax started to say, the door opening as Jax watched in slow motion as the woman who saved him walked in. Her blonde hair was braided and hanging over her shoulder, her body hugged by tight blue jeans and a red plaid shirt that he recognized as his mothers.

"Hello." She said as she walked over to Gemma, Jax watching as her eyes went to the floor, a sadness and shyness about her that pulled Jax in like a magnet. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he had seen some hot women, but she wasn't like them. She was pure and had a good heart, and Jax knew that he owed her his entire life.

"Hi." Jax said as he sat up and ran his hand through his hair, a groan escaping him as Tig dropped the bag of food on his crotch before stepping out. "Jesus, Christ." He hissed as he heard everyone chuckle.

"You two catch up, the doctor said that once you feel up to it, you can leave." Gemma said as she hugged her son, Jax smirking as his eyes connected with Cora's. He could feel the nerves and fear rolling off her in waves, his heart starting to race as he felt speechless for the first time in his life.

"You can have a seat—you standin makes me nervous." Jax chuckled as he watched as Cora quickly got a chair and sat down, her hands clasp in her lap as she looked down at her hands. "Thank you so much, for saving me." Jax said as he wished she would look at him. He knew she must have been through a hard life, a life that Jax couldn't even comprehend.

"You are very welcome—um Jax. I think in all truth, you saved me that night. Your friends they are truly amazing for what they did and your mother is an angel." She said, Jax chuckling as he covered his mouth with his hand, the word angel never being used to describe his mother before.

"My ma is—a good woman most days, and my brothers are too—once you get past all the bullshit." Jax said watching as a small smile rose over her face. "Wow you are so beautiful." Jax blurted out, watching as a blush washed over her face. Cora tucked some loose hair over her ear, her eyes looking away from his as she looked down at the floor.

"You are so nice, Jax—all of you are. I feel so bad that for years I was taught that you guys were nothing but rapists and murderers." She said as she stood, her hands grabbing his as Jax looked down at their hands.

"We aren't rapists, or bad people, we do what we have to for our club and our families." Jax said as he smiled at her, watching as her face became flushed. "This all must be so freaky for you? Coming from that cult— "

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