Chapter Twelve

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"Jax I told you no, not till the party." Cora said as she held the envelope with the baby's gender in her hand. Cora knew that Jax was confident they were having a boy, but Cora wanted them to find out at the huge baby shower the club was throwing for them.

"Just a peek, come on baby we know it's a boy." Jax said as he reached for the envelope, Cora slipping from the couch, her hand grabbing his Kutte as she walked into the kitchen. "Whoa, baby—let's not get crazy—put that down." Jax said as he watched her grab a knife and hold it to his Kutte.

"One peek and the kutte gets it—I'll start with this patch. "She smirked as she ran the butter knife over his brand-new president patch.

"Ahh—okay, I promise no peeking, just give me back my Kutte." Jax said as Cora tossed his Kutte over to him a smirk on his face as he sauntered over to her. The last five months had been hard on them both, with Cora's high blood pressure and her insecurities of being his Old Lady. He knew that her past had a lot to do with her fear, fear that Jax was slowly getting rid of.

"Just two more hours—your mother has a copy, so you will know soon honey." Cora said as she rested her hands on his chest, her core aching as she caught his gaze.

"We got some time—maybe we could— "Jax trailed off as his hand went under her shirt, Cora pushing him away as she moved away from him, her hand pulling her shirt down as she looked at her swollen belly. "Baby—don't do that, you know you look amazing to me." Jax said as he pulled her back to him, his lips gently trailing her neck.

It had been almost a month since they had made love, a month too long for both of them since they were feeling the stress starting to build. "You are amazing Jax—but you know the doctor said sex was risky right now. My blood pressure is just too high." She said as she rested her hand on her belly, her hands so swollen she could no longer wear her engagement ring. "I think I can help you out though." She smirked as she took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

"No—baby, I don't wanna feel release if you don't. If you have to wait—so do I" Jax said as he stopped them just shy of the door, Cora smiling as she rested her head on his chest.

"That could be months Jax—I know you have needs." She said as she looked up at him with worried eyes, knowing she had heard the Croweaters talk about Jax and his flirting.

"Yeah I got needs—but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go lookin for it other places. I love you Cora, and I have never cheated on you—why are you doubting me?" Jax said as Cora rested against the wall, knowing full well she needed to confront him about what she had found out.

"Jax, I know you have been in contact with Tara, I saw her message pop up on your phone one day, so just tell me what is going on?" Cora said as she crossed her arms over her chest watching as Jax's face grew angry. Cora watched as he took out his phone and handed it to her, his arms crossed over his chest as she read the messages. They were all Tara begging him to come back and Jax telling her there was no way in hell he would go back to her.

If you ever message me again, I will call the police

The last message read, Cora feeling foolish that she even doubted Jax for a moment. "Next time you get an idea in your head—talk to me, don't just let it sit there and fester and get all out of control." Jax said as he took his phone back from her.

"I'm sorry—I just—I get a little crazy at times, ya know?" Cora said as she grabbed his shirt with her hands, watching as a smirk crept across his face.

Salvation//Jax Teller FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora