Chapter Two

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"I don't know about this Gemma? This shirt is sheer—you can see my bra." Cora said as she crossed her arms over her chest. She listened as Gemma scoffed and tossed her a black tank top over the dressing room door. They had been shopping for hours, and found only four outfits, Gemma insisting that Cora show a little more skin than she was used to.

Normally she was forced to wear long skirts and long sleeve shirts, but now she was wearing tight fitting jeans and a tank top that revealed her bra strap. She smiled as she brushed her hand through her hair, hair that was now a little past her shoulders rather than past her butt. At first, she had been hesitant to cut it, but seeing it now made her realize that she had waited far too long.

Cora smiled as her phone went off, a phone that Jax and Gemma insist she get for her own protection, but the moment she got it, Jax began calling and texting her like crazy. He had been out of the hospital for almost two days, and in those two days he had been so busy she had hardly seen him.

Abel is coming home tonight, are you still up to help me? You might have to miss the BBQ.

Of course, I am! I really can't wait; do you have all the bottles and diapers you need? Don't be scared, everything will be amazing.

You are amazing darlin, see ya tonight.

Cora smiled as she saw he had once again called her darlin, a term of endearment that she was learning to love. She wasn't mad about missing the clubhouse BBQ since she felt so out place around the men and women in the clubhouse. She had learned quick that the ones they called Sweet butts and Croweaters were not women who wanted friends, tears stinging her eyes a she remembered how a woman named Ima had asked her if she shopped in the dumpster out back. Ima had teased her for a solid ten minutes before Jax had yelled at her to leave, remembering all the harsh and terrible names she had called her.

Cora also remembered how Jax had held her as she cried in the kitchen of the clubhouse, remembering how gently he held her as she had clung tight to his shirt.

"Come on, honey! I gotta get home and make potato salad." Gemma said as she knocked on the door, Cora throwing on the tank top along with the black sheer top, a small smile on her face as she looked herself over. Cora sighed and stepped out, watching as an impressed smile went over Gemma's face, Cora blushing as she felt the center of attention, something she sure wasn't used to.

"I feel silly in this, Gemma." Cora said as she looked down, Gemma picking her chin up with her fingers, their eyes connecting as Cora felt a motherly bond flow over her. Gemma had been more of a mother to her in the past few days, than her own mother had been her entire life.

"What did I tell you?"

"I look down to no one, I hold my head high and look—bitches in the eye." She said as she whispered the last part, Gemma smirking at her innocence. "What will Jax think?" She asked as she felt the butterflies in her stomach go insane.

"My son can't take his eyes off you as it is—I think if you wear this, you will have to shock him back to life." She teased as Cora rested her hand on her burning cheek. "I think my son could use a woman like you—someone who will take care of him and love him for who he is under the kutte."

"Kutte?" Cora asked as she stepped back into the dressing room, ready to change her clothes and get back into her blue flannel shirt, the only thing she felt comfortable in.

"That leather vest that never leaves Jax and the other club members, its called a Kutte, you need to learn these things. Another thing you need to learn is how to be an Old Lady, I think Jax has his eye on you." Gemma said as Cora felt her heart race and her mind wander, her teeth finding her bottom lip as she felt her body tremble.

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