Chapter Nine

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"Do you need anything else?" Jax asked as he set Cora's bag down by the bed, his heart heavy as he wanted her home with him, instead of twenty minutes away at the cabin. "I got a patch who can stay out here at all times, just in case—but if you need me just call me okay." Jax said as he wished he could take her in his arms again. It had almost ten days since the shooting, ten days of pure hell for Jax. They had buried Donna and Opie had taken off, leaving his kids with his mother, who everyone hated.

Cora and Jax had talked every day, and she had finally agreed to stay in Charming something that Jax had been grateful about. They had been told that there was a small 3% chance her memories could come back, but not to hope for it. They talked constantly about each others lives and what she could remember, Jax loving just being able to spend time with her.

"Thank you, Jax—I'm sorry I can't stay with you but-I still feel like I don't know you. I know you love me and—this might sound crazy but, part of me knows that I once loved you too. I'm trying Jax, I really am." Cora said as she grabbed his hands in hers, Jax smiling as he brushed some of her blonde hair from her face.

"I know you are, and—I'm sorry If I seem pushy its just—never mind." Jax said as he gently kissed her hands and left the room, his hand gently brushing a tear from his cheek. Jax stopped by the door as Cora grabbed his arm, his heart breaking each time he looked at her, knowing that she no longer knew who he was.

"What is wrong Jax? Please talk to me—I know it all seems awkward but—Maybe if we talk about us, my memory will come back." Cora said with a smile as she motioned to the couch. Jax nodded his head and sat down, his hands resting in his lap as he stared at her.

"I just miss you—I miss us. Everything was going so amazing— "Jax said as he looked away from her, Cora biting her lip as she saw how bad he was hurting.

"I had a dream about you, actually every night I dream about you." She admitted as Jax turned towards her, his brow raised as Cora felt a blush go over her cheek. "It's like little figments of us—talking, laughing, kissing. Last night I dreamt we were here, and you were—making love to me. It was perfect." She said, Jax chuckling as he bit his lip, his hand grabbing hers as she scooted closer to him.

"This cabin is where—you lost your virginity to me." Jax said as he motioned to the bedroom, Cora smiling as her cheeks went beet red.

"I wish I could remember it, but all I remember is feelings."

"What do you mean?"

"When I am around you Jax, it's like I forget to breathe. You make me smile and each time you are around, I feel so stupidly happy. I want to remember Jax, because—I want what we had." Cora said as she moved closer to him. "Kiss me Jax, please—kiss me like you used to." She begged as Jax turned his body towards her, his hands cupping her face as he pressed his lips to hers.

Cora moaned as Jax pushed his tongue into hers, the moment turning intense as Cora gently pushed from him, her hand on her chest as she felt her body grow hot. "Oh my—How was I able to handle you Jax." Cora blushed as she stood from the couch, feeling so many emotions flood her mind as she tried to remember what they had. She wanted to remember, and tried her hardest, but the only memories she had were when she slept.

"We can always start again—make new memories." Jax suggested as he stood behind Cora, watching as she turned and caught his gaze. "Why don't I take ya out—on a real date?"

"We never went on a date?" Cora asked as her face filled with horror and confusion.

"We had dates—just not traditional dates, we had lunch at work and I took for rides on my bike." Jax smiled as he loved that even with losing her memories, she was still innocent.

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