Chapter 7: The Nightclub

Start from the beginning

"It was just that you weren't paying attention to me anymore. When I did bad things its seemed like you didn't really care anymore and were just being forced." Luhan said trying to make himself seem smaller.

"Well then that decides it you will be punished --"

"But Seh- daddy I told you why"

"Yes you did which is why it's important that I step up."

Luhan began to scrunch up his face upon hearing this. "Pleeeeease"

"First you are going to stay in this bedroom for time out until I get back" Sehun began to use his authoritative voice.

Luhan whimpered "Okay" before looking at Sehun with his puppy eyes trying to make him rethink this whole scenario.

Sehun tousled Luhan's hair before giving him a small kiss on the top of it. "I'll be back in a little bit."

Sehun then slowly walked out of the room grabbing his wallet before leaving to the meeting.

"Ugh, why did I have to be such a baby I need to keep it together. Stupid Sehun why couldn't you skip one meeting" Luhan said exasperated before grabbing Sehun's pillow and slowly screaming into it.

A light knock suddenly brought Luhan back to reality.

"Hey Luhan" Tao spoke hesitantly. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go with us to eat out? We are pretty sure that the other guys won't be back for a while so we have some free time before they come back. So do you want to come?"

"Umm... sure give me a second to get ready" Luhan attempted saying with some bravado.

"If your scared Baekhyun and I won't tell on you and Zhang left with his girlfriend already, we wouldn't want to get in trouble either so it's more of that we are free from the other 3 nannies and kinda want to have some fun." He said attempting to make it seem less dangerous. As he sees Luhan's face still looks hesitant "But if you are such a baby then you can stay, but we are going out".

Luhan easily bated by Tao's taunting couldn't resist showing him up "Why? I am totally ready to go out. Give me a few to get ready"

"Okey-dokey. I'll go get Baekhyun then we will be downstairs don't keep us waiting." He said as he walked out of Luhan's room and shut the door.

"Shit" Luhan thought "why did I do this, ugh Sehun is going to be so angry if I go I should just stay. I'll go tell them I can't or something."

As Luhan walked out the door he heard Baekhyun and Tao talking downstairs.

"Tao, I don't think we should go ... I mean if they find out it won't be pretty. I mean remember the last time .." Baekhyun began to trail off.

Recalling the time that both of them had been thoroughly spanked, grounded, then forced to write lines on a hard stool about why sneaking out is bad, which was repeated for every other day for 2 week.

Baekhyun could recall the feeling of first the hand, then the brush, then a belt which quickly brought him over the edge of thinking of disobeying twice which had evidently gone over Tao's head at the moment.

"Oh my god Baekhyun calm down. They are going to be gone for at least another 3 hours. They won't notice as long as we don't crack."

"I-I guess" Baekhyun's voice sounded dejected.

"Anyway I'm thinking that Luhan won't be coming. Sehun has him so subservient to him. It's pathetic"

"Sehun is kinda scary though" Baekhyun said in a low whisper.

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