Chapter 2

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  Luhan went to the shower, and bathed quickly. He could feel his heart beating eccentrically, with every second that passed. He hoped that what had just happened was just his brain playing tricks on him. As he left the bathroom, he quickly got dressed into his pajamas before nearly running to his bed. He quickly covered his head in a desperate hope that it would protect him. Luhan waited for Sehun to come up, but it seemed as though Sehun was taking an eternity. After ten minutes of waiting in his bed Luhan felt himself drift off into sleep.

When Luhan awoke his head was pounding, and his memory was drastically impaired. He started to stand up, but got up too quickly, and gave himself a headache. Sehun, who was across the room in his bed awoke to the ruckus that Luhan was making. He glanced at the clock, and noticed that it was nearly 11 a.m. He forced himself to get up, since he needed to prepare himself for singing practice at two. When Sehun had arisen from his bed he had noticed that Luhan was looking ill.

Sehun sighed, before going over to check on Luhan. He touched Luhan's forehead, and noticed a slight fever. Sehun wasn't surprised by this. Luhan, had begun getting sicker, and sicker recently which is why he had to put a stop to it. Sehun's eyes flew open; he had forgotten that he was supposed to watch Sehun now. The other band members cared for Luhan, but had given up since it seemed to do no good.

"Luhan" Sehun said in a little more than a whisper. His voice felt sore most likely after the screaming of yesterday. "Luhan" Sehun's voice was getting louder, and he could feel his voice slowly returning.

Luhan mumbled the second time that Sehun had said his name. He felt utterly exhausted, and could not force coherent words out of his mouth.

"Luhan, answer me now." Sehun said in the mostly threatening voice he could currently do. Luhan had just shrugged, and ignored Sehun. "Luhan if you are this sick then I will leave you in this room for the entire time that I am gone.' Luhan had begun to piece together what Sehun was saying. It didn't matter though what Sehun said; Luhan did not stir. Sehun got up, and was dressed groomed and walked out of the room at noon.

Before he had left, though, Sehun had placed a chair on the other side of the door so that it could not be open from the inside. He didn't trust Luhan to stay home, when he was ill, and he was certain that Luhan would be gone at another party if he didn't go to such measures. As the other members of the band passed the chair they didn't give it a second thought. After all each of them had wanted to do this on multiple occasions to stop Luhan from leaving the apartment.

After Sehun had left Luhan forced himself off his bed. He felt physically ill, and ran to the bathroom, before throwing up. He took a quick shower, hoping that he would feel better afterwards. Luhan had after all a prior engagement that he had to go to. One of his friends Mi-Sun was going to have a party, and Luhan had promised that he would go to it. Of course on the condition that Mi-Sun had the alcohol and the proper drugs so that he would have fun. After Luhan was ready he went to open the bedroom door. When he noticed that it would not open, he had assumed that it was jammed. Luhan than began to bang against the door to get anyone's attention.

"Luhan, is that you" Chanyeol's voice went through the door.

"Hey Chanyeol, can you get someone to open to the door it is jammed, or something."

"Sorry Luhan, but Sehun said that you had to stay in your room, and he sounded serious so I really, don't want to get on his bad side."

"Please Chanyeol, I have to go see Mi-Sun. She is counting on me for her party today." Luhan's voice began to take more of a whiny tone.

"I'm really, really sorry Luhan, but I can't" Luhan heard Chanyeol stepping away from the door. That BASTARD Luhan thought before hitting the door.

Luhan then turned around and saw all of Sehun's items on his side of the room. I wonder how that bastard would react if I trash his stupid stuff.

Luhan went over Sehun's bed, and tried to flip it over, but it had weighed considerably more than he had thought. He had accomplished in sliding it about halfway off the bed frame, before giving that idea up from exhaustion. He had instead went into Sehun's drawers, and grabbed a picture that Sehun had with his favorite idol. Luhan grabbed it and began to rip it up into little pieces, until he had a small confection of confetti. He than too the pictures to the bathroom, and flushed it down the toilet.

As Luhan was letting it be flushed down the toilet, he had begun to have second thought. Sehun was seriously going to beat him up for what he had done. Shit Luhan thought. He looked down at the toilet, which just took away Sehun's most valued possession, and then looked at the Sehun's side of the room. He had definitely trashed it all of the drawers were open objects were spilling out, and the lamp was on the floor broken. He couldn't even recall how everything had been destroyed.

Luhan then heard the doorknob shaking. He tried to run to keep to from being opened, but he was too late. Sehun's face when he saw his side of the room, didn't have even a hint of inhibition, it was complete anger.

"Luhan, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Sehun began yelling so loudly that it echoed throughout the apartment. Luhan shrugged in fear.

"" Luhan had felt that his entire body was beginning to freeze up in fear.

"You fuckin' what? Made MY room a piece of Shit? Do you think this is acceptable, and especially when you are still in trouble for last night." Sehun gritted his teeth together trying to keep his anger under check.

"I-I-I'm so-so-sorry." Luhan had finally been able to spit out.

Sehun gave him a completely unaltered smile, "You better not wear out the word especially, after I am done." He then went and grabbed Luhan by the arm, before dragging him to Luhan's bed. He then yanked down Luhan's hand, and began spank Luhan.

The first spank completely caught Luhan off guard. He didn't have a second to think before he was hit again. Sehun would first hit one cheek than the other, and he continued this pattern until after the twentieth spanking where Luhan, was weeping openly. Every hit that Sehun had given him went throughout his entire body. All of his pain receptors were at full capacity and Luhan wished that his body would just pass out.

This first couple of spanks for Luhan, had been painful, but as Sehun repeatedly hit him in the same location, the skin there was getting continuously more damaged. After five Sehun could feel himself choking back tears. After 10 he had begun to cry, and at twenty his weeps could be hear throughout the house. Sehun did not stop he kept spanking Luhan over, and over again.  

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