Chapter 7: The Nightclub

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So this chapter kinda took a completely different direction, but tell me if you like it or not. If you are okay with the shippings or not. Also I included other band members if you have favorite ships you want included just tell me below.

Also give me some ideas cause I have a few but not a lot anyway thanks. :p

"Then you still want us to – be this?" Sehun said still unsure.

"Yes, it works for me... a lot. Please no one has ever cared for me this much before." Luhan barely swallowing back tears.

Sehun slowly reached his hand out to touch Luhan, but the entire time his mind was racing. He slowly grabbed and brought Luhan towards him gently before kissing him on his head.

Sehun slowly walked up and caressed Luhan.

"Why don't we go and relax in our room for a little bit." Sehun whispered while Luhan cuddled deeper into Sehun's chest while shaking his head up and down.

A small smile appeared over his face before he slowly lifted Luhan into a bridle hold. As Sehun walked up the stairs all he heard were the small sniffles from Luhan and held him tighter at each one. Once they had reached Sehun's bed. He slowly lowered Luhan down onto the bed as Luhan began to wriggle.

"Luhan, sweetheart can you look at me, please?"

Luhan slowly looked up to Sehun his eyes a slight puffy pink.

"Why don't we relax today? It can be just me and you. I'll even send everyone out so we can have ourselves some private time?" Sehun said as he rubbed Luhan's back.

Luhan bobbed his head up and down before trying to bury it head back into Sehun's chest.

As Sehun got up to go shoo the other members out of the apartment Luhan grabbed his shirt shaking his head back and forth then whispered "don't go".

Before Sehun had a chance to say anything there was a knock at the door.

"Sehun, management just called they want you ,Kai, and me to come in for an emergency meeting" Chanyeol said completely oblivious to what was happening.

Sehun bit his tongue to tell Chanyeol to f-off. He looked down to Luhan before slowly trying to get out of his hold.

"Sehun?" Chanyeol said again when he heard no response.

"I'll be outside in 15 minutes." He yelled just loud enough for Chanyeol to be able to hear it.

"Luhan I need you to let go of me for a little I promise that I'll be back as soon as possible"

Luhan let out an exasperated breath before slowly letting go of Sehun.

"Are.... we okay then?" Luhan looked at Sehun "we can still stay the way we are right?"

"Yes, of course we can I just didn't want to force you into this" Sehun said hugging Luhan once more.

"So............ I won't be punished for what happened earlier right? Since it was before this" Luhan shyly asked Sehun.

F-ck Sehun thought. It was true that it was before, but the rules were still in place then. Maybe he would just make it a lighter punishment, but then again it would not have erupted like this if Luhan had told him what was wrong. On second thought he didn't tell him what was the main cause for his recent misbehaviors.

"Well, it all depends on what your reason is for all the recent behavior" Sehun said seemingly to easily slip into disciplinary mode.

"It's nothing really..." Luhan said trying to bury back into Sehun's chest, before pushed his head back so they were looking at each other. Luhan gulped.

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