#24 Vlad's Return

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I've been terrible to you all and haven't updated in three weeks, and I do realize I suck for that. School and life have just been at an all time crazy high so whenever I had free time I spent it sleeping instead of writing, forgive me for I have failed ye fans.


Chapter 24

********Ronan's POV********


I was freaking out! We were being freaking attacked! I had no clue by whom but nevertheless people were dying.

I was worried sick about Evan, because once the first scream sounded, he shifted and made me swear on his life that I wouldn't leave the house. So here I was, all alone, waiting. For what I wasn't exactly sure.

I felt numb and groggy, yet nauseous all at the same time. The anxiety of not knowing what was going on anywhere was killing me, literally eating me alive from the inside out. I'd already puked twice and felt I'd be making it a third time in minutes to come.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence had been out at the town square eating at one of the restaurants there. I had no idea if they were alive or not.

Evan wasn't communicating with me but I knew he was okay because I would've been able to feel his pain if he had any.

I felt so helpless sitting, well rather pacing throughout the empty house. I wanted to disobey Evan and go out and help the others, but I couldn't. Not because of the promise I made to him, but because I still couldn't shift. I'd be completely useless if I ran out into the battle in only my human form. Not only that I'd be killed instantly which would distress Evan because of our bond.

Ugh! I never felt so trapped yet free at the same time. It's a terrible trade off. I wonder if maybe I could find a gun with silver bullets and-


Pain began to shoot through my body, specifically in the center of my chest. I screamed out in agony, my piercing yell echoing throughout the house.

'Mate hurt. Mate in trouble.' My wolf panicked.

Before I could get a grip on what was happening, I was in my wolf form. I didn't even know I could shift!

My body was moving on it's own, well technically my wolf was doing it, because I sure wasn't. I felt like I was in a movie, watching the world blur past me. I felt so many emotions, I could've been mistaken for a very hormonal pregnant woman who was going through her most painful hours of labor.

I was overjoyed I could shift again, yet my wolf was in combat mode. Not gonna lie, I'm a very unskilled fighter. So currently I was freaking out inside myself, hoping that my wolf could somehow help Evan and keep us alive at the same time.

A feral growl spilled from my tightly curled lips.

I hazily saw Evan staggering around with another wolf, wait a sec, was that...was that Matthew?!

I never found out, before I knew it I was airborne and felt a sickening crunch in my left side. I was sprawled out on the ground with my head spinning, as I heard Evan snarl in rebellion. Suddenly my neck was on fire, I couldn't register whether the pain was coming from myself or Evan. This wasn't going to end well.

I felt a presence looming above me and I forcefully rolled my heavy eyes up to the shadow, to see the culprit was in fact Mathew.

I'm so confused.

He had a wicked gleam in his eye as his paw struck me in a blurred motion. I couldn't even scream. I felt his elongated claws sink into the soft flesh of my chest as they started to drag down. The pain was so hot it was cold.

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