#15 Bad

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Chapter 15

********Ronan's POV********


Ugh. That stupid beeping had been going on for the past two minutes now.

I tried to turn my body away from the sound but found I was constricted. I felt a sharp pang in my left wrist if I yanked too hard, and there was something heavy on my stomach.

Black. That's all I could see. Why was everything so dark? I could still hear the beeps. They were really starting to get on my nerves.

I groaned in agitation.

Suddenly it wasn't dark anymore. I was blinded by the light, it was too bright.

I hissed at the brightness and tried to roll over only to find myself yet again, trapped.

As the light began to dim, I started to get a clearer picture of where I was.

The walls were white and there were lots of beds strategically placed. There were lots of cabinets and weird looking machines near the beds.

The room looked like a large infirmary of some sort.

I tried to move my hand to wipe my eyes, only to feel a sharp pinching sensation. I looked down at my wrist to see a needle stuck in my arm.

What the?

I followed the needle's tube up to another weird looking machine, like the other ones in the room. The beeping sound continued to emanate from the blasted thing.

Ugh..someone please shut it off!

I tried to sit up, to hit the machine, but I couldn't lift my chest off the bed I was in. I followed the white linen cloth and found a very large tattooed arm draped over my waist. Attached to the giant arm was a giant man.

He was asleep.

On me.

I screamed.

******Vlad's POV*******(starts after he exits the dinning hall)

I'm so stupid sometimes. It was my fucking mate. All this stress was getting to me. How could I be so dense?

She had told me earlier she broke a door, no wonder I smelt her scent all over my office.

Shit. I just raged at my pack for no reason. Damn. I hate wasting my breath on things that easily could've been avoided.

And to think I could be half way done with my shitload of emails by now.

I stomped down the hall, frustrated, as I heard the obnoxious sound of clacking heels trailing after me.

I smelt who it was before I heard her speak. Galina.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of her. I don't have time for her shit today.

Before I could turn the corner to the next hallway, I felt a pair of unattractive claws on my forearm.

"Alpha," she purred, trying to sound sexy. She failed.

I didn't answer, I just glared at her in return.

"So, I was thinking, since you just got back and since you were gone so long, that we should make up for lost time." She curled her lips at me, forming a crooked grin.

I sighed clearly annoyed.

Galina had been my most recent fuck buddy before I had left for America to search for Prince Blake's mate. Honestly she was a terrible fuck, and a dirty whore. The only thing she was useful for was a stress reliever. She was the pack slut and an easy lay. I only had her once and it was once too many.

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