Author's Note

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Yeah I know. Not the update you've been waiting on for literally half a year I think *awkward cough*.

Okay so first I'd like to start off by apologizing because as a Wattpad user, who frequently reads stories here, I get extremely frustrated when there's a story I've become personally invested in and there's never an update.

It makes me so sad because then I'm like okayyyyyy, what next. You're just going to hook me in then leaving me hanging...?! (Cliffhanger lol)

Unfortunately for y'all that's exactly what I've done to all of you lovely people, and for that I truly am sorry.

I apologize for leaving off at the cliff hanger at the end of the last chapter, and I understand many of you will become extremely excited when you get a notification that I've updated the Warrior Alpha when in all actuality all I've done is made an authors note that will probably end up being about 4-5 pages at the most.

Wow, talk about a run-on sentence.

Sorry. Okay, so, moving on.

I'm seriously stuck in a rut with this story and I feel as if I've dug myself into a hole too deep for me to get back out of. When I say this I'm talking of certain turns I took the story too that I now wish I hadn't chosen to do so with the Warrior Alpha.

I have no idea where to go with it now because I feel like it's cliche even more so than ever before.

And that's the last thing I wanted.

I also feel that the way I have written the story has been incredibly inconsistent and the characters don't make sense, and the fact that Vlad is 28 and mates to a 16 year old is starting to eat at me, because AHEM inappropriate.


In addition, all the characters throughout this story are extremely inconsistent from Vlad's mood swings, to Ronan repeatedly running away, then trying to act like an adult, then plummeting back to being immature. All of which is my fault due to poor writing, and infrequent updates.

By the time I've decided to add another part to the story, I've reinvented at least one of the characters personality's and created a new character to create more action, which is actually extremely overwhelming I feel like, because there is a lot going on in this story. I'm constantly twisting and morphing it into new patterns, which is creating a chaotic storyline for me to keep up with, and a lousy story for all you lovely people to read, which is the absolute last thing I aimed to do.

I feel as though the story is one big ineffective tangent and it's pissing me off because I don't want to fix it because I'm lazy. However, I really don't want to be one of those people with a book that says "On Hold" or "Discontinued" next to its title.

This time I refuse to lie to you about when I will update, because quite frankly, I have know clue when or if I even will attempt to again.

Let me know what you think in the comments and I'll think of where to go from there from y'all's feedback.

I appreciate those of you who've fell in love with The Warrior Alpha, and those who continue to support it.

Peace ✌🏻️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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