#9 My Past

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****Ronan's POV*****

Chapter 9

I was sitting at my desk in my room doing homework, for Mr. Walsh's lame math assignment. Ugh, can 9th grade get any worse?! How is a 14 year old, with a very busy life, me, supposed to have time for all of this work?


I turned to face my now open door to see my dad standing in the door frame.

"Honey, Patrick is here to see you....again," he told me with waggling eyebrows.

Why is he here again?

Patrick is the alpha's son. He'll take over the pack once he's 18. He hangs out with me a lot, which is weird because he used to not even know I existed. This year was my first year in high school, and we had an elective together, so I guess that's how we met. He's pretty nice to me, considering that I'm only a delta, when he's an alpha.

His 16th birthday is today. I wonder what he's doing here? Shouldn't he be at his house getting ready for his big party? Well, his mate search party more like. All the pack females were invited to the alpha's house tonight. Werewolves get their wolves and first shift, then start finding their mates once they turn 16. I guess the alpha is hoping Patrick will find his tonight.

"Honey, it's the
alpha's son," my dad said stressing his importance, "please don't keep him waiting."

I dropped my pencil on my desk and closed my math book. I brushed past my dad, and walked down the stairs to where our front door was. I looked around the foyer, but didn't see Patrick so I assumed he was in the backyard, on the swing in our garden. I walked out the front door, and turned, following the side of my house, to my backyard.

Sure enough, there he was. Sitting on the wooden swing like usual.

He must've heard me walking up, because he turned in my direction, and started staring at me intently. At first his smile was genuine and happy. The longer he looked at me though, the more his smile seemed to falter. He slowly walked up to me, leaning down to smell my neck.

I took a step back, nervous of why he was so close and why he was smelling me, when he growled at my movement.

We made eye contact and his eyes were pitch black as he stared down at me. He quickly turned away from me, and I heard him mutter things to himself.

It was hard to hear, but most of what I got out of it was, "No.....I can't believe she's not.......I really wanted......I'll have her anyway..."

I poked him on the shoulder, worried about why he was acting so strange.

When he turned to face me, his whole demeanor seemed to change. He had a big smile on his face again, and then he hugged me. It was definitely more than a friendly hug too. I started to get nervous again when he wasn't letting go so I tried to push away from him, only to have him pull me closer, and try to kiss me!

I used what strength I had and tried shoving him back. Well that backfired, because he had alpha strength so then I kneed him in the crotch.

He immediately let go of me and sank to the ground. I started to back away when my arm was yanked on roughly and pulled back to him.

His eyes were black again when he said, "I want you. Now. Let me have you."

"No! I want to save myself for my mate!" I yelled back desperately.

He snarled at me, and said, "You don't deserve a fucking mate, you deserve to be my whore!"

Tears were sliding down my cheeks,where was this coming from I thought. "Y-yes I do! I don't want to be used by you, I won't let you!"

"I am your alpha. You will do as I say!" He tried to command me.

"Not yet you're not! You've still got 2 more years. No!" I said defiantly.

He gripped my arm even tighter, probably making me bruise. "You will regret this! I will make your life hell for rejecting me!"

He released my arm and stomped off to the woods behind my house. I heard him shift and run away into the forest. I just fell to my knees and balled my eyes out. I was so shocked and terrified by what just happened.

I felt my body being shook. I felt wet all over..ew. I opened my eyes to see a very handsome dude standing over me. Wait..what?!

I quickly sat up almost bonking foreheads with..Vlad, my mate. It's all coming back to me now, the hotel, our talk, his booty call mark....

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

Why wouldn't I be? Oh yeah, the dream, well nightmare.

"You were crying pretty loudly in your sleep, is something bothering you."

I didn't want to tell him of my past, and well that nightmare, that I tend to relive a lot. I didn't want to tell him about all the bullying and cruelty, and about how my own alpha kicked me out of my pack. So I went with the lamest excuse in the book.

"Uhm, I have allergies, so sometimes when I sleep, I cry and sweat a lot. I didn't mean to wake you, sorry."

"Allergies." He said more to himself than me.

"Uh huh."

"Right, well, we might as well get up anyway, it's 6:30. I want to be on the road by 8." He told me.

"Okay, are we gonna eat breakfast at the hotel, and also what am I supposed to where? Just a Tshirt again? It's cold out, and this is short."

He grumbled something under his breath, then said, "Hold on."

Within a minute I was thrown a pair of baggy basketball shorts. I slipped them on and rolled them up a bunch so they'd stay on my waist. "You couldn't have given these to me last night?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Nope," he told me smirking. Oh how I wanted to smack that cocky smirk off his mouth.

He walked up to the door, and said "I need to go meet with someone. Don't leave the hotel while I'm gone, and don't get into any trouble."

He walked out the door after that, leaving me sweaty, in oversized clothes, and ticked off because I can't leave the hotel now, it wasn't like I wanted to, but still. When he gets back, I'm so giving him a piece of my mind.

Because I was gross and sweaty from my bad dream, I thought I'd take a quick shower. Once I had washed my body and hair, and was sweat free, I went looking for some different clothes I could wear. I'm sure Vlad wouldn't mind. I walked up to his bag and unzipped it.

Dang, he had a lot of clothes. I dug through it till I found a plaid pair of boxers and a navy Tshirt that looked like it would sort of fit me. I threw them both on, then went back to the bathroom to brush my hair.

It was about 7 once I had finished everything so I figured I'd go down and get some breakfast. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. Not. Good.

I grabbed an extra room key and left for the elevator. I stepped in and just as the doors were starting to close, someone stuck their hand in between them, and stepped inside with me.

I recognized the someone as a man that had been part of the pack wolves with Vlad. He was big, but not nearly as big as Vlad. I'd say he was about 6'5. He was very muscular and he had light brown hair with blue eyes. He was cute, very cute.

I figured I might as well make a friend, so I said, "Hi, I'm Ronan."

"So I've heard," he stuck his hand out to me and said, "I'm Peter, one of Alpha Kristoff's warriors. Nice to meet you."

I placed my small hand in his, and he pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it. I blushed, but luckily before he noticed, the elevator doors opened to showcase the lobby.

He released my hand, and made a very exaggerated gesture for me to go first. "My lady."

I giggled and walked out, "What a gentleman."

He grinned and fell into step next to me. We walked to the hotel breakfast area, and started filling up our plates.

"If I carry your plate for you, will it guarantee me a seat next to you?" He asked me.

I like this Peter. He's funny!

I put my finger to my chin, like I was thinking hard about it, "Hmmm, I guess so."

He grinned and winked at me as we both walked to a table sitting down next to each other.

I looked around the room, and saw a bunch of other warriors eating their many plates of food. I noticed Prince Blake in the back of the room, and waved to him.

He didn't wave back. He just looked down at his plate, avoiding me.

I frowned when he did that.

"Aw, don't worry about it Ronan. He's a dork, besides, you got all the jokes you need right here." He must've seen my frown.

"Oh yeah, like what? Give me your best!" I challenged.

"Alright," he said, leaning back in his chair. "How many Mexicans does it take to change a lightbulb?"

"I don't know, what?"

"Juan!" He shouted, laughing.

I was laughing too. It was an awful joke, not even that funny, but Peter's face when he said it! Haha!!

"Wow. That was pathetic." I deadpanned, once I'd sobered up.

"Oh, so you think you got a better one?" He asked, now leaning forward.

"Of course! Okay," I didn't really have a good joke, I just liked talking to Peter. "How do you make a tissue dance?"

"You put a little boogie in it. I've heard that one before, way to be original. I win this round, Ronan."

I hung my head in fake defeat, and we both began laughing again.

It was about 7:45 when I got to the room, and Vlad still wasn't back yet. So much for wanting to leave at 8."

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling when realization hit me. Vlad told me about himself, yet I told him absolutely nothing! He still has no clue what my name is!!

As if on cue, the front door opened, revealing, and annoyed looking Vlad. Crap. Thanks a lot, whoever Vlad just met with.

I sat up on the bed. "So, how was your meeting?"


That's it. Dude, you look pissed.

"Uhm, so I was thinking that since-"

"Did you change?" He cut me off.

"Uh, yeah."

"Are those my boxers?" He asked sounding amused.

"Yes." I replied softly.

He narrowed is eyes at me, and I could've sworn I saw a hint of lust in them.

"Okay," he said, his eyes returning to their normal brown color.

"So, as I was trying to say. Last night you told me a lot yourself, but yet you know nothing about me."

"And.." he countered.

"Well, would you like to know some?"

He had his laptop on his lap now, he was sitting on his bed, "Sure," he told me distractedly.

Annoyed, but pleased I get to finally tell him my name, I started my speech.

"Okay. My name is Ronan Elizabeth Carter. I'm 16 years old. I have brown curly hair, and green eyes. I have a lit-"

Crap. I just realized I have nothing to tell him since I was supposed to be a rouge. I almost spilled on my little brother!! Dang...okay, come on! Think Ronan, you need a quick save.

He now had turned his full attention to me. "You have a little what?" He asked me seriously.

Balls. Absolute balls. Uh....THINK!!

*mental gasp* I GOT IT!!

"I..uh..have a little birth mark in the middle of my back." This is a true fact, thank god.

"Really? Care to let me see it?"

Crap, he thinks I'm lying and he hates when people lie. Well too bad for you, I'm not lying sucker!!

"Sure! Go ahead and look." I responded enthusiastically, as I turned around and pulled up the back of my shirt, well his shirt.

"See it?" I asked.

He didn't even get up off the bed, "Yup, congrats." He said bored.

I pulled down my shirt and faced him back on the bed. "So, anything else you'd like to know?"

He closed his laptop and set it on the bed, beside him.

"Actually, yes. "What pack did you come from?"

He must've seen my look of shock, because what he said next was, "There's no way you could ever survive as a lone rouge. Plus, some of the stuff in your bag smelled like other wolves."

"You found my bag!!" Yes this means clothes!!

"Yeah, and I also found your phone. Seems that some people actually hate you more than I do."

I choked as soon as he said it. He hates me? I thought we were getting somewhere. He hates me!! I want to die. I started to hyperventilate. I could literally feel my heart breaking inside of my che-

"Princess, relax. I was just kidding, you know I could never hate you, we're mates." He assured me in a relaxed tone.


I started to cry. What kind of person does that?! Tears were rolling down my face like a avalanche. I felt the bed dip beside me, when I heard my mate speak.

He softly pulled on my chin, forcing me to face to him. "Ronan, I apologize. That was a dick head comment, I shouldn't have said it. I didn't think it would mean that much to you."


"How c-could....it not.....m-mean something to me?" I said sniffling. "You're my mate."

He looked down at the floor like he couldn't meet my eyes. When he finally did I saw something I never thought I'd ever see. His eyes were filled with regret and shame.

"Princess, I am really sorry. You're right, we are mates. As your mate I should never say something like that to you."

His apology seemed so sincere. I believed him.

"Do you think you can forgive me?" He asked sounding hopeful.

"Yes," I weakly smiled at him.

"Good." He got off my bed and went towards his bag and started packing as if the conversation we literally just had never happened.

Ugh!!! Was his apology even real?! What is it with this guy!!?

'He wants us happy because he can feel our emotions remember.' My wolf chimed in.

'Well how come I can't feel his?'

'He marked us. Not the other way around. We won't be able to feel his emotions until the mating process is complete.'

'Which will be never.' I cut off the connection with her and watched my mate continue to pack.

I was so aggravated with him right now! He is such a douche.

He sighed and turned to me. "Look, I'm not going to make you tell me about your past until you're ready. Happy?"

I knew he was just saying that so I wouldn't be upset anymore. However, I figured I could use his words to my advantage, and keep him in the dark for as long as possible. So it actually did relax me.

"We need to get moving. Come on."

He opened the door and I followed him down the elevator and out of the lobby to the car. I guess he checked us out earlier. I hopped in the back again, to see the same blonde guy from before, sitting in the front seat. He looked as if he was gonna fall asleep..again. I couldn't remember his name so I thought I'd just call him Sleeping Beauty.

I looked at the dash board, and saw that the clock read exactly 8. Wow. Vlad must be a stickler for being on time. I wonder where Peter is. If he were here in the back with me, no doubt I'd be laughing and having fun.

But no. Instead, it looks like I'm in for another awkward, long, silent car ride, with my wonderful mate, Vlad, and Sleeping Beauty.

Yay me...





Peace ✌️


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