Counseling pt.2

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                           [Jc's POV]

    I watched Jenn walk out. I was so confused at why she would kiss me, I mean, we've done it before. It's also about to be our 1 month anniversary, in two days.

    Counselor: So, you two say you have resolved your problem? Well, not enough.

    Finn: Why would you say that?

    Counselor: Well, Jennifer and I have been watching you two from the security room. Studies say people cooperate better under less pressure.

    Jc: So Jenn heard everything we said?

    Counselor: Yes, and so have I. You may think you have solved your problems, but you only solved a fourth of it.

    Finn: What's that supposed to mean?

    Counselor: I could tell by Justin's facial expressions that he hasn't fully expressed his feelings. Justin, would this be true? Be honest.

    Jc: Well, yeah. To be honest, I feel a little story for you Finn.

    I didn't want to say that at all. It crushed me. It crushed me because I knew that further on the counselor would ask me more questions and the ending result would be him telling me to break up with Jenn. But... I love her. And I even had something special planned for her for our anniversary.

    Finn: And Justin, I wanted to tell you this... I asked Lia out yesterday.

    I felt like I didn't care, but I also felt a little jealous.

    Counselor: Well your time is up for today's session. You are dismissed.

    I walked out and penny boarded to Jenn's house. I rang the doorbell and looked through the window to see Jenn kissing some dude. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!? I knocked so hard on the door that I made a small dent on it, and Jenn pushed the guy she was kissing away and ran to the door. She opened it and I started yelling.

    Jc: HOW COULD YOU!??!?!?




    Jc: No Jenn. No. I'm..  I'm done with you.

     I put my board down and rode to my house.

                              [Jenn's POV]

    What have I just done?!?!?!?!? Ugh. Jc didn't let me explain! I was only getting tutoring from my classmate because I missed a few days of school then he kissed me! I tried to pull away but he grabbed me and I didn't have anything else to do. My tutor's name is Felix.

    Felix: Who's that?

    Jenn: My BOYFRIEND!

    Felix walked up to me and put his hands around my waist.

    Felix: Who needs him, when you have me?

    He leaned in for a kiss and I pushed him away.

    Jenn: LEAVE!

    Felix: You know you liked it

    Jenn: Of course, the pushing you away and hitting you was totally the sign.

    Felix: Your sarcasm is hot

    Jenn: That's it.

    I grabbed his textbooks and shoved them in his backpack and I threw it at his face.

    Felix: OW!

    Jenn: Leave, NOW!

    Felix: Whatever you say, babe.

    Jenn: UGH!!

    I kicked him out and closed the door. I looked down at my phone and checked my texts to see Jc texting me.


    Jc: I can't BELIEVE you.

    Jenn: No! It's NOT what it looked like!

    Jc: No Jenn, you know what? We're-

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