She's back

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                 [Connor's POV]

    Shoot, I need to have my bonus video in, but in TWO DAYS and I don't even have an idea yet... Maybe... Maybe a collab! I called up a bunch of friends but most of them were busy except for Jenn who was also thinking of filming. We thought of ideas and finally came up with a dare video. I set everything up for us to film by the kitchen and we filmed my video first.

    Connor: Hey guys its Connor, I'm here with my friend (Connor points to Jenn)

     Jenn: JENN!

    Connor: And we are here with a bonus videoooo! Jenn also has a video with us two so you should go check that out! Today we will be doing a DARE video.

     Jenn: Dare as in dare.

     Connor: Yup Dare as in Dare. We have our big bowl of dares right HERE and we will be doing le dares soooo,

     Jenn: Let's get started


    Connor: You first.

    Jenn: Ew no

    Connor: Fine. Ok so... (Connor pulls out a paper) The dare says to.... prank call a friend, but it has to be a hometown or an old friend. This could be awkward. Well it would be awkward cuz I'm an awkward person but let's do this... Let's see, on my phone we have.... Oh here Kayce.

    Jenn: Oh I remember Kayce, she came to vidcon like two or three years ago right?

    Connor: Yeah, but now she doesn't come because she's always busy with music.

    Jenn: Oh, okay. Call her already!!!

    Connor: Okay, okay!

                           * beep, beep *

    Connor (in an Indian girly voice): HELLOR?

    Kayce: Hello...?


    Kayce: Uh, ya...?


    Kayce: Just kidding who is this?

    Connor: F... Fe... Felicia!

    Kayce: What?

    Connor: I killed your mom bye.



    Connor: OH MY GOD I FEEL BAD


    Connor: So your turn.

Maybe it's us... (JcPenny)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum