Mr. Moonlight

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Chapter 27; 

***Ringo’s POV***

I don’t think I’ve ever been so content with waking up in the morning as I am now. Everyday I wake up with my little Destiny wrapped up in my arms; I don’t think I could ever be happier. I could see this is just the start of something more, but we can’t move on if we’re still in a hotel can we? 

“G’mornin’ beautiful.” I whispered in Destiny’s ear as she started to wake up, I pulled her even closer than she had just been, making her let out a giggle. 

“Morning Richie.” Destiny said, and started trying to get out of bed, which made me tighten my grip on her. “We can’t stay in bed all day, Richie!” 

“Why not? It’d probably be the best day of my life.” I tell her, letting her go. 

“Well, I agree with that statement, but remember what Mr. Epstein set up for us and everyone else today?” 

“Not entirely… Jog my memory dear?” 

“We’re supposed to look at some apartments!” 

“Ah! Yes, separate ones, now I remember. Are we just gonna get a two’er with George and Pattie?” I ask her, I remember that George and I were talking about it, since Pattie would most likely be traveling for her acting/modeling career, which would make him awfully lonely in a big apartment alone, plus Destiny had been thinking of going back to the US. 

“I don’t know how I feel about that idea, what about family coming and visiting?” 

“I’ll put ‘em up in a hotel. Will ye hand us that shirt? Anyways, it’ll be fine, I think as long as we ‘ave our set rules and all. Anyways, Pattie’ll be gone most of the time anyways.” 

“Let’s discuss it with them alright?” 

“Alri’ love. I think yer gettinn’ a bit’o accent now.” I tell her, which makes her blush slightly, as I walk out of the bedroom, clothed, and go to fix a cup of tea. 

“Ah, morninn’ Johnny.” I say, as he comes right out after me, I rough up his hair more than it already is. 

“Sod off Starr. Is there anymore tea?” 

“Here.” I say, giving him the cup. “Rough night ay’?” 

“It was alri’. I had a long talk with Donna. But I think things’ll be okay.” 

“A talk ‘bout what?” 

“God, yer no better than a bloody bird! No, no, Rings, it was ‘bout lookin’ for flats today and she was mid freak out. Didn’t know where we’ll go.” 

“That’s why Brian’s comin’ today.” 

“I know, I clarified that. Everything’s okay Rings.” John says smiling at me and patting my back. “There’s yer bird now. Mornin’ Fate.” John said, using the nickname that had stuck since George said it.

“Mornin’ John. Are the others up?” 

“Donna’s with Emily, in ‘er and Paul’s room.” John informed her. “Paul’s in the sittin’ room, readinn’ the paper. But I think the love birds are still in bed, I’ll go wake them.”

“I’ll go with!” I call out and run with John to wake the two up. John opens up the door slowly, George is the only one still in bed, the running water tells us Pattie’s probably in the summer. “Geo?” I whisper shaking him, but he doesn’t even stir. John nudges me, pointing to the glass on his night stand, than he picks it up and dumps the whole thing over George’s head. 

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