From Me To You (Part 1)

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Chapter 23; 

(part 1)

After the insane trip from the planes to the cars, we were taken to the hotel to settle in. The boys had a press conference, Donna and I had both thought it’d be a good idea to settle in. The hotel was in New York City and quite the ride since we had taken a limousine. Luckily the four thousand girls stayed behind to watch the press conference, so we hadn’t got stopped trying to get into the hotel. Neil, stayed with us and helped bring up our luggage. 

It was getting around seven, when finally the boys started arriving. One-by-one, all taking different limos, but the crowd around the hotel was warning enough that we wouldn’t be going anywhere in the mere future. I was sitting in my bedroom, talking to Donna about girl stuff, the boys had come and gone, back to Brian’s room talking of rehearsals for the Ed Sullivan show. The door opened and shut and Ringo’s voice called out for me “Emily! Donna! Hurry here!” Donna and I looked at each other and quickly got up rushing from Paul and I’s little separate bedroom to the living room. 

“What’s wrong?” I quickly asked and the pointed towards a pale looking George. 

“Georgies sick.” John stated and I went to his side. Maybe I was good to keep around, I did have somewhat of a degree in nursing. 

“John, get me a thermometer, there should be one under the sink.” I directed, sitting down next to George on the floor and feeling his head. “Paul, get me a cold wash cloth. Ringo has Brian called a doctor?” 

“No, no” George said, coughing “I don’t need a doctor.” 

“Ringo has he?” 

“Yeah, should be over soon.” Ringo told me and I nodded, John giving me the thermometer, with a plastic guard over it, I made him tuck it under his tongue and waited till it took to put the cloth over his head. The doctor knocked on the door, after Brian had talked to him about privacy and legal issues. After he had the check-up he took Brian, Donna, The Boys and I to the back, leaving George on the couch. 

“He’ll be okay right? By the 9th he’ll be feeling better, shouldn’t he?” A nervous Brian asked. 

“He might. Someone needs to give him this medicine every three hours.” The doctor told him 

“While practicing?” Brian asked hopefully. 

“ ‘fraid not. He has a temperature of 102 degrees. Unless you have a nurse that makes him eat right, drink right and take his meds, he might not even be able to perform on the ninth.” 

“I have a degree in nursing.” I stated proudly. 

“But you were supposed to come to the rehearsal.” Paul whined. 

“Paul, if I don’t stay you might be rehearsing for nothing.”

“I’m afraid she’s right. I’d be happy to show you the best way to give him the meds, and a faster way to take his temperature.”

“Will that be okay Brian?” I asked, knowing we needed his okay for everything. 

“Yeah, we’ll get Neil to do his part in rehearsal.” 

“Okay. Well show me what you know doc.” 

That’s how it went, he showed me what to do while taking his temperature, and giving him his meds, plus what he should and shouldn’t eat. I was surprised that I had already known most of the things but I let him continue on teaching me. After the doctor had left and we told George the plan we sent him to bed so he could get plenty of rest. Brian ended up ordering Room Service, getting it sent to his bedroom and then bringing it to ours.  

Till There Was Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें