There's A Place

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Chapter 2;

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. ‘8:45am, I should take a shower and pick out what to wear for today" I say out loud to myself. I slip into the shower and wash my hair and body while day dreaming about today and as I'm getting out I hear the phone in the kitchen start to ring. Even though I'm only in my dressing gown (robe) I run downstairs, I'm the only one who lives here anyways.

"Hello?" I say into the phone not wanting to get myself too excited for it might not even be them and I was excited to find out it was them.

"Hi love." I hear Paul say through the phone with a smile on his face.

"When would you like to come over dear!" I hear John yell in the background.

"Whenever you guys would like me too, I have to get dressed first." I say giggling at myself looking down at the tiny puddle of water under my feet on the hardwood floors.

"Okay. Does 30 minutes sound like enough time?" Paul says to me which makes me smile because I mean come on it's Paul.

"Sure is. I'll see you at-" I say glancing over at the clock "10:15"

"Alright love I'll see you then. Goodbye." Paul says and I can hear his smile through the phone again.

“Goodbye." I say almost as a whisper.

I go up my stairs and start to get ready. It was pretty warm out so I decided on a simple light blue shirt and dark Jean shorts. I wore my hair straight and I smiled in my mirror in satisfaction. I look at my eyes. They always change colors based on my mood and I see them as a light brown that almost fully covered with blue and green flakes. My eyes go wide and my grin becomes big noticing this is what my dad always called our eyes meaning that I had big feelings of love or missing someone. That’s something me and my dad shared, our eyes. I looked at the clock ‘10:05am’ it read. I decided on walking down stairs and play something on my piano, since I was dressed, had my breakfast and was all

ready. At 10:16 I heard knocking on my door. When I opened it there stood Paul with a big grin on his face.

“Hello love you look amazing today” Paul said almost whispering it.

“Thank you.” I said laughing a little and blushing looking down at the ground.

“Hey, me and John, Ringo and George where talking about going swimming would you like to go get a bathing suit from your room before leaving.” He said explaining to me and I knew my face brightened up, I love swimming even though I haven’t swam in forever I thought to myself.

“Sure, I’ll go get that. You just wait here, make yourself at home.” I said smiling at him excited that I’m swimming again and spending the day with them. I jog up to my room and pull out a light purple two piece swim suit and put it in my bag along with a change of close and came back down. When I was at the middle of the staircase I could hear Paul singing and playing my piano, I didn’t want to interrupt him so I tipped-toed all the way down and sat down beside him on the little bench. I could tell he didn’t notice me at first and then he put an arm around me, letting me have a little shock.

“All ready dear.” Paul said to me smiling and I shook my head as we headed to the car and then went back to their house.

“Look at the little birdie she’s here!” John yells out to everyone who came in from a different room and I see George come out in only his underwear. He looks over at me and smiles and I smile back then look down at the same time he does and noticed his nakedness as does everyone else. I could feel my cheeks about to be as red as a tomato. I feel Ringo wrap his arm around me and turn me away from George as everyone starts laughing.

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