I've Just Seen A Face (Might Change)

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Chapter 9;

I was walking through the woods of an odd but almost familiarly looking trail. It was night time and very dark outside, with the foggy haze that covered the air it made it even harder to see, the full moon shinning was the only light available.

I heard familiar strumming and I ran towards the sound, it was a low pitched almost scary sound that came out of the bass but I knew it had to be Paul’s.

“Paulie!” I yelled but it came out in a muffled voice. He got up quickly and put his bass down smiling at me an coming at me with open arms his eyes were what scared me the most they were hungry, angry and even had a devilish tint to them not matching his smile at all.

“I’ve missed you darling.” he says hugging me grabbing me tight, but he felt cold, empty and hard. That’s when I felt something sharp being pressed into my back, and through my skin. I yelped

“Paul.” I say trying to breathe evenly but failing and coming out all mumbled and broken. A tear came down and onto my cheek he pulled away from me his hands on my shoulders.

“Emily, I’ll never hurt you.” Paul said not sounding at all like he did the first time and he began to become warm again he silently kissed the tear away and as I was about to grab him tighter to me he disappeared with the knife too. But this time I felt it in my heart making me gasp for air sobbing, trying to breathe in the thick air.

“Emily, Emily!” I heard Georges voice call for me in what seemed to be far away.

“I love you Emily why can’t you see that?” George says coming up behind me his cheeks stained with tears and his eyes all red and puffy. I grabbed him pulling him towards me into a hug feeling his hug made most of the pain go away and I sighed from relief, but then he disappeared right through my grip just as Paul had.

“No!” I screamed falling onto the ground and crying harder not even being able to think because of how hard I was crying.

“Emily! Emily!” I heard both Paul and George calling my name from an even farther place. I’m going fucking insane! I kept thinking and then closed my eyes hard and opening them back again finding myself laying in my bed with Paul, George John and Richard surrounding me, at my bed with the lights on and myself sweating they all had worried looks on their faces.

“Are you o-okay Emily?” Paul said grabbing my hand and touching my forehead a worried look across his face.

“I’m fine. I-It was just a bad dream.” I said sitting up getting worried looks from the boys

“Anyways how’d you guys know something was wrong.” I say throwing the blankets off of me forgetting I wasn’t wearing any pants or shorts but glad the shirt I was wearing was big enough to cover me and my underwear.

“You were screaming” George starts to tell me looking down at my uncovered legs.

“We all heard you darling.” John says himself too having a face of worry.

“I’m fine.” I say to them and giving them a reassuring smile.

“Are yo-you sure?” Richard said to me and I noticing he was the only one who hadn’t talked.

“I’m sure. Do any of you fine gentlemen happen to know the time is?” I said laughing a little bit and making sure to remember to talk about my dream with Ringo or George later.

“It actually happens to be 9:27am.” John says looking at the clock on the wall above me.

“Gear! Let me go get ready okay.” I said making them all get up and leave pecking Paul lightly on the lips and going to get ready. I decided on a plain black v-neck, a sweater/cardigan to wear over it since it wasn’t summer anymore, actually getting into late August near my birthday! I put on straight leg faded jeans and left my hair wavy.

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