Devil In Her Heart

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Chapter 3;

I woke up on the cold floor with arms around my waist. I looked around the room. Everyone was passed out in weird places. Paul was on top of a table, John was half way on the couch and half way on the floor with his face on the floor and him cuddling a bottle, then there was George sitting with his face in something he was obviously trying to eat last night, so that leaves one person to be holding me and yes it was Ringo. I didn’t want anyone to get their feelings hurt and I didn’t want to sleep on this floor anymore since it only being 5:07am I pulled out of Ringos grip without him waking up and I instantly got dizzy and fell on the first bed I saw and pulled the covers up around me.

I woke up to the sun being beamed into my eyes. I groaned I could here the boys talking but I couldn’t seem to open my eyes. I let out a little yelp scared I was dying because I couldn’t even open my own eyes. I heard them all rush over to the bed someone stroking my hair, one holding my hand, someone else putting a wet towel on my head and I could hear what seemed to sound like George whispering my ear “Shhh, darling don’t cry. You’re okay. I’m here with you.” I hadn’t noticed I was crying till he said something about it. I took a few deep breathes and calmed down I could finally open my eyes and once I did I saw their faces go from worried to relived.

“Are you okay?” Paul says looking at his eyes going big concern filling his voice.

“Yes, what happened Darling? Take this before you try and get up.” John says handing me a white pill and a glass of water. I look up and around everyone with a questioning look on my face not really wanting to take another kind of drug right now.

“It’s for you hangover, nothing bad, we already had ours. You slept pretty late.” After he said that I sat up a little so I wouldn’t get water all over myself. Once I got up I could feel my head start banging in my skull and I started to get real dizzy, so I downed the pill with the water and literally fell back onto the bed, even though I wasn’t even up for a minute.

“Remember love I’ll catch you whenever you fall.” George said wrapping his arms around my body and my head so I wouldn’t hit anything as I fell. He had this big cheesy grin on his face, which made me smile and blush at him.

“Are ye ready for breakfast love?” John said and you could hear how he was flirting through his tone.

“Sure.” I said and started to get up off the bed. We all went over to the table and had breakfast trying to remember what actually happened last night.

“Would you all like to go swimming?” Paul asked while we were cleaning our mess up from breakfast. It was almost 1pm. So much for breakfast.

“I’d love too.” I said smiling as everyone agreed that swimming would be a great idea.

“Um… Where should I change…? “ I said there wasn’t really any private rooms over here.

“Over there if you go down the hallway, there is a guest bedroom and it has a bathroom attached to it too.” Ringo said pointing down the hallway off from their bedrooms/living room.

“It’s the first one on the right.” George added in so I wouldn’t get lost with all the doors.

I went into the bedroom and looked around, it was obviously more girly it was a light purplish/blue color and the bed was like Johns, under the floor boards and you had to walk down to lay into it. There was a mirror and all kinds of candles, instances’, just a lot of good smelling things. I undressed and put on my bathing suit looking at myself in the mirror I took my brush out and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I walked down the hall where I could hear water splashing and the sun streaming through. I finally walked into the huge room from the long hallway, on one side it was just big glass windows and a big deck off from it, with an underground pool but it was covered up. Off to the left inside there was a big hotub and it too was underground. In the middle of the room their was a huge underground pool with a big swirled slide and a high diving board the pool was amazingly big. On the right there was a big trunk with all kinds of swimming supplies and then a little bathroom with a shower and a small couch with a few instruments.

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