Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"What's up with you?" He asked.

"I honestly can’t be here." I sighed out. He looked over at me, waiting for me to go on. "I say this so much, but the need for him is way too strong to be so far apart. I miss him." He sighed.

"He feels the same, Lou, but this is for the best."

"Is it?" I asked. He paused his steps for a quick second before continuing. I didn't get reply, and I knew that he didn't know the answer for that either. "Can you tell me how he looked?"

"He looked like hell." He admitted. "You say you need him, but I'm pretty sure he needs you more." That hurt. I can barely take it now and I can’t imagine what he's like. The bottomless pit feeling and the emptiness. It’s sabotaging me.

"Hey!" The guy at the counter happily said. He had long brown hair, like shoulder length, and a nose piercing on the right side.

"Hey, Vic. How you doing?" Harry asked.

"Great, man." He slapped Harry's hand.

"We're going to take Lane 5." He threw the money on the counter and we got our shoes.

"I'm not too great at this." I piped up. He laughed and threw his arm around me.

"Who really is?" He whispered.

"Can you tell me something?" I asked as he rolled his first ball.

"I guess."

"What was he like before the accident?" I asked, picking at my jeans.

"What accident?" He shot back.

"Okay, before it all - All the bad."

"Well, kind of how he is now. He was always the sweetest kid you could ever meet. He always wanted to impress everyone and no matter what, he kept his huge heart. He always wanted to make you feel better and it'd always work. But then he met James." He said.

"Go on." I encouraged.

"He always saw him as some kind of god. He never looked deep enough to see the bad - kind of like he did with you, but opposite. He only saw the bad in you. James always told him at the end of the day that Marcel was his everything, but Marcel never knew how many others he also told that to.

        Marce would be so upset sometimes and just start to turn into the type to never leave the house. It didn't last long because James ended it. I think it all caught up to James. I think he started to feel more for Marcel then he actually wanted to, again, just like you. He couldn't deal with the fact that he actually wanted him."

"Did he go back to himself after?"

"No, not really. He loved James. Well, he thought he loved James. I think it was more of the idea of James that he loved. But with you, I saw Marcel go back to his old self. I saw you bring out the big-hearted, lovable person he deserves to be." I smiled at him.

"I do love him."

"I know." He replied. "Thank you for caring." He was so close to me and he was smiling that smile. The intensity of his glare was giving me shivers and soon enough, I felt his breath hit my face. I quickly pulled away and looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're welcome." I replied, a bit raspy. Fuck. No, Louis. He's not Marcel.

"Anyways," He cleared his throat. "After 'we' died, he kind of snapped in a way. He created this whole other persona just to try and change what happened. He somehow thought it would make him forget and on top of that, he was getting blamed for our death. His nerd version helped him hide in the shadows. Now, I just think he keeps it up because that version is now a part of him."

"I think that versions cute." I blurted out. He chuckled half-heartedly and nodded.

"Harry!" Vic yelled. "Both of you come get your prizes." That made Harry fully laugh.

"He's a big people person." Is all he said. We walked silently to the counter.

 "You first." He pointed at me.

"I guess..." I trailed off. "I'll take that foot- soccer ball." I said, motioning to the small one under the glass.


"Can I have those glasses?" Vic got the nerd glasses off the shelf and handed them over. He put them on and that's all it took.

"Can you take those off?" I asked, kind of harshly.

"Why?" He pushed.

"Take them off." I stated. A look of realization crossed his face and he pulled them off. Did he honestly forget? Right.

I'm sor-"

"Just-" I started. "Don't." He laid his hand onto my shoulder and I felt it. I felt the feeling in my belly that only Marcel gave me. I yanked myself away in horror. "No." I whispered.

"What’s wr-" I cut him of once again.

"I have to go." I ran.


        I'm half way through Looking for Alaska when Leeroy knocked on the door. He wanted to come over just to see how I was doing. I guess I should tell him about Harry being alive. I don't know if he'd understand, though. I didn't even at first.

"How is everything?"

"Fine." I replied. "I think I should tell you something." His face grew serious and he looked concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just-" Knock, knock.

"I'll get it." I nodded in approval and he came back seconds later, a smile lighting his face. "I think you should come see this."

Wrecking Ball (Loucel/Larcel/Larry/Neeroy/Niam AU)Where stories live. Discover now