22. "We have to kill him"

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Anger and disappointment was all that you felt when you thought about them, but your heart told you that it was wrong for them to die.

They were your family.


Yoongi came back to the new dorm the next morning and was immediately pinned against the wall by a furious Taehyung.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!", he shouted in Yoongi's face.
His grip lay on the collar of his hyung's sweater and firmly raised him a little from the ground.

The older coughed in surprise. He could have fought back, but he was just tired.

"Why the hell would you take her to him when we've just gotten her back?!", Taehyung almost cried through his yelling.

He was furious that he and Jungkook have had to endure so much for Yoongi to just bring you back to Jimin. They were just back at base 1.

"Was Jungkook's sacrifice all for nothing??", the younger shrieked.

Yoongi grunted.
"I brought her back because that wad what she wanted. You can't control her, Taehyung."

The boy slammed him against the wall again.
"Shut up!! She doesn't know what she wants because she's confused!"

Yoongi became angry. He normally wouldn't lose his temper, but the past few days had just been too much for him.
With a swift movement, he twisted Taehyung's hand and threw the boy against the wall with force. Yoongi was the one in control now.

"She's not confused. Y/N loved Jimin since day 1 and you kept butting in. Now that they can be together you're suddenly all selfish and posessive again. Let her do what she wants for once."

Taehyung's breath ceased for a moment to accept the pain that had been done to his heart.
Yoongi was right.
He had been too worried about you to even think about the possibility that you might have wanted to stay with Jimin.

"Did...she leave because of me?", Taehyung muttered while Yoongi let go of his collar.

"I don't know", Yoongi lied.
He knew that whatever Taehyung had told you, made you want to go to Jimin again.

Taehyung sat on the ground and covered his head in frustration.
"I'm so sorry..."

Yoongi didn't really know what to say since he wasn't good in comforting people. He knew about the friendship you and Taehyung had always had and also knew that you couldn't possibly hate him as much, no matter what he had done.
Your friendship was too strong for that, was what he thought.

"You were in love with her all this time", Yoongi just sighed, patting his friend's shoulder.
"But let her and Jimin be happy now."

Taehyung bit his lip. It was painful for him, but he would do what Yoongi said.
It wasn't fair of him to take you away from Jimin anymore. The only problem now was, Jimin who wanted to kill him for revenge and you were on his side. What position did that put you in?

Jin entered the hallway looking slightly concerned, but not as agitated as Taehyung was.
He called them over to the dining room table where Hoseok was already waiting for them.

The remaining 4 members all sat down.

"Namjoon and Y/N left, Jungkook and Taehyung are on temporary leave...", Jin explained, giving Taehyung a meaningful look.

"Bang PD-nim sent us orders... Jimin is now officially our next target", he told them.

The air in the room suddenly became thick, as if it were frozed solid.
Their worst fear had now been turned into reality.

Who you used to be - [p.jm]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin