Dance Insructor - Suga

Start from the beginning

"Didn't you do a rapping thing as well?" asks Jhope and I nod but before I can talk to him someone else starts to talk to me.

"I use to use your routines to practise my dancing." I smile at Jin and open my mouth to speak but V then puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Have you worked with NCT 127 before?" I start to feel a little surrounded.

"Yeah, I recently did one of their songs with them." I then realise I'm completely surrounded by them and although I'm flattered it's very overwhelming. 

"Guys, you're all asking too many questions and have formed a circle. Back off!" Suga calls over their voices and quickly they all apologise. Suga had been stood back the entire time. 

"It's okay but ask questions over time, let's focus on starting off the dance."

As time goes by I can see they quickly pick up the dance. I made this one a little more tricky so they can step up and keep learning. But it gets to a point where there are joint dance moves where they have to work together.

"Suga and Jhope I need you both to meet in the middle with Jin behind Jhope and Jimin behind Suga. Both lift your foot at the same time and push off each other and fall back into Jin and Jimin behind you." I then explain what the rest have to do but Jhope and Suga seem hesitant, "Look I'll show you, Jin get ready behind me and don't drop me." I warn him with a wink, "Suga come in front of me and Jimin get behind him." They all follow the instructions, "First Suga put your hands flat against mine, this needs to look like a mirror effect." Suga sees my hand up waiting for his and he puts his against mine looking at his feet, our faces are close. "Now raise your foot with the speed of the music and with force, push against mine bringing you back to Jimin who will catch you." Jungkook plays the music for us and we do it, but Suga doesn't do it quite right. "That's okay, let's go again but you need to look at me for this to work." He nods and Jungkook rewinds the music. This time we get eye contact and our eyes lock, I have to try and ignore the unexpected butterflies in my stomach. We do the steps and it works perfectly. I land in Jin's arms and he lifts me so I'm standing, "Great, now you guys do it."

Suga seems to have relaxed a lot more now and is working harder. He mouths to the music and makes expressions which inspires everyone else to do it too, it's really pulling together.

"Right you guys can take a break. You're doing great." They all breath loudly and go to their water bottles. Jimin approaches me.

"So are you thinking of making this your permanent job? So you only work with us?" I had been so caught up in the dance I hadn't really been thinking it over. Before I got here I thought I wouldn't but I'm starting to slowly change my mind.

"I'm not sure but right now I'm thinking probably not." Everyone looks up at me with a disappointed expression, even Suga looks upset, "Well that's not for definite but I love working with lots of groups and travelling and doing an open range of things. Nothing personal, I love you guys and you're all growing on me but you will probably have to do something major for me to want to make this permanent." They look at each other as if to say something that will change my mind. So they actually like me working with them? "Well, I'm still going to be here with you all until you have the dance nailed down." Suddenly I hear my phone go off, "Sorry give me a sec." I answer it after seeing my boyfriend's name on the screen, "Who's this?" I ask joking.

"Shut up Gyuri, where are you right now?" he says jokingly. 

"I'm doing choreography with a group I told you about, why?" I lean against the wall as we talk. 

"So when about will you be home?" he asks, he's acting a little off.

"Well, they said I can use the room when we're done here so I can practise my other stuff. Why, is everything okay?" I ask as I glance around and see the Bts members looking at me.

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