The End (kind of..)

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So this is how things would've gone down....

Elizabeth's number that Vikk lost, yeah Simon steals it because he likes her wow Simon what a savage. But Vikk does get her number eventually and they start hanging out more often, getting to know each other, all that good new couple stufz. Simon and Elizabeth also hangs out and Simon tells Elizabeth he likes her and wants to be her boyfriend but she turns him down because she wants to be with Vikk. Vikk and her start dating for a while maybe like 3-4 months but then she gets an acceptance letter into Julliard school from performing arts in New York which is what she wanted since she first started singing and playing guitar. she has to decided whether to go there and leave Vikk and her friends or stay and continue on with life. Vikk convinces her to go and follow her dreams so she goes to New York. They try to keep in touch but it doesn't work because they're both so busy and times differences really screw em over, so they decided break up. Vikk stops hearing from her completely and she stops being active on social media as much . Vikk contacts her friends but they say they haven't heard much from her either... what happened to her? Well, an agent discovered her when they had a talent scout thing at the school and she was signed on a label but they changed her. She fell trap to fame and had to change her look and got the stage name 'IZZY' she dyed her hair exotic colors and wore funky clothes and sang EDM music instead of playing on her guitar. She made new social media accounts under her stage name. She was absolutely unrecognizable and she always wore a mask on stage to add on to the mysterious persona. Her producer label person made her act different with the public and even in private, telling her to stop being in contact with her old friends because she had to stay focused on her new career and fans.

5 years later.... Elizabeth is internationally famous. She's been touring and releasing albums, collabing with other singers, and getting sucked in to celebrity drama. Her agent decides to book a concert near Elizabeth's old town. She decides to take a trip to her old neighborhood. She reminisces on the past life and friends and her thoughts land on Vikk. She always kept up with what he was doing, watching all his videos and stalking his social media. He wasn't posting videos anymore or on social media so she didn't know what he was up to any longer. Elizabeth's agent calls her and says they're gonna be stuck in that town for a couple days for whatever reason and she asked if Elizabeth could pick up some food at the store. Elizabeth goes to the store gets enough stuff for everyone and she wonders in to the cereal aisle. Shreddies were no longer the same btw, like the company redesigned the cereal, changing the taste and shape making it different than before

Elizabeth grabs a box and says to herself quietly, "it's just not the same" and she hears a voice behind her say, "yeah it's really not" Elizabeth freezes. She recognizes the voice... it's Vikk's. She turns her back to him, feeling ashamed of who she's become, not ready or willing to face the past. "Uhm.. yeah." She replies in a clearly uncomfortable voice. "Sorry I didn't mean to seem weird, guess I just have a thing for talking to strangers in the cereal aisle..." he says back in a thoughtful voice, thinking about the past. Elizabeth's like oh snap is he thinking about when they met and all the thoughts of him were flooding her head and she starts tearing up. Vikk notices the slight crying and he's like " oh are you alright? I too sometimes find myself crying over cereal, yeah that's some emotional stuff" clearly trying to lighten the mood, cheer up the stranger. Good guy Vikk. He puts his hand on her shoulder to console her and with that touch Elizabeth just had to face him. She giggles lightly and says," Vikk you've always known how to make me laugh." She turns around and they lock eyes. "Elizabeth? Is-is that you?" Noting her brightly colored hair, something she always expressed not ever wanting to do to her hair. "Yeah it's me.. well it's actually IZZY"

"You're IZZY? Like the IZZY? Wow.. I always had this slight feeling that the voice in the songs sounded familiar. At one point I actually did think it was you because it would explain a lot, but I thought it was such a false idea because IZZY is so different from you it's basically everything you-"
"everything I've hated yeah I know" she replies. "Hey uhm are you busy right now or would you want to maybe hang out and talk?" Vikk asks.

They go to the old coffee shops where Elizabeth performed. They talk about how their lives our now. Elizabeth reveals that the hair is a wig and that her agent makes her wear it 24/7 when out in public to stay "in character". She also admits to how she hates what she's become, abandoning all her friends, being forced into this awful fame business. Vikk tells her to take off the wig and she does, letting her beautiful natural brown hair flow. "You are so much more beautiful like that" Vikk exclaims.

They talk for hours and eventually Elizabeth's agent messages saying Elizabeth has to head back. Elizabeth invites Vikk to her concert tomorrow night, giving him a ticket and a backstage pass. Before she leaves he says "You are so much better than IZZY.. You're Elizabeth Webb and that suits you so much more."

Concert the next night..

all that day Elizabeth was thinking about Vikk and all they talked about and all they had before she left and how much her life has changed and what her life could've been. At the concert she's performing and what not and she's like man I don't like this, this isn't me. So she finishes the concert and at the end announces that this is the end to IZZY and that she plans to be who she really is, away from fame because that's too much for her to handle and she wants a normal so she leaves her true identity a mystery.

Vikk meets her back stage, they share a kiss awh so romantic and they decide to take a chance on the fate that brought them back together after all that time.

Awh yay happy ending. I hope this satisfies for the lack of the rest of the story. I also hope it makes sense cuz it makes sense in my head but since it's not really written out completely but just shortened I wasn't sure it would be comprehensible. Eh oh well. Thank you for reading aaaaand peace.

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