Chapter 6

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Vikk's POV


The party is on Sunday and I still haven't picked out what I want to wear. The guys said I have to dress nice. "Get a tux" they keep telling me. The party is a masquerade themed party so we all have to wear masks. I don't want to wear a mask.

The plans for today is to go to the mall with Tobi and get a tux and mask. We're meeting at the mall around 2 and it's already 1 now. Looks like I'll have to work on all my videos after the mall. I quickly get dressed, go down stairs and eat breakfast, and then drive to the mall.

Both me and Tobi were clueless on what we wanted to wear and where to get it. We had to call Josh for help as to where to get a tux. We spend an hour trying on different tuxes until we found the best ones. While I was trying on one I hear Tobi yell from outside the fitting room, " Hey Vikk, who's Elizabeth Webb?" shit.

I quickly scurry out of the stall to him, "what what are you talking about?"

"You got a dm on Twitter from a girl name Elizabeth Webb. she said 'Hey cereal thief' with a wink face." Yes! So she does remember me and a wink face, holy shit.

"Vikk, you're getting red, are you blushing???" I didn't even realize I was until he said that. I was blushing.

"You like this girl don't you Vikky?"

"Yeah, yeah I think I do."

"What do you 'I think', you either do or you don't."

"I know it's just that I don't exactly know her yet. But I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. If it's either a do or don't, I'm gonna have to go with do."

I really do think I like her. From all I've read about her on Twitter, she seems like a really great gal. And I've never thought about someone this way in quite a while.

Once we were done getting our tuxes and masks, we looked around the mall for some where to eat. We were both in the mood for some subway. Tobi had to go to the bathroom so I told him I'd just get his sub for him.

When I entered subway I was the only one in there. I guess nobody want to eat fresh today. I get me and Tobi's subs from a worker named Tony. Based on his facial expression when I walked in I could tell he was a fan. "You're Vikkstar123, aren't you?" he asked me.

"Yep that's me, Vikkstar123."

"I'm a big fan, love your videos."

"Thanks man." It's always nice meeting fans out in public.

When I got the subs, I took a picture with Tony because he asked and then I left. Can't wait to eat me my subway sandwich.

Tobi came over to the house to play some Fifa with Simon and Josh. I'm not all that good at Fifa so I went upstairs and started on my videos for the day.

When I was done with my videos, Tobi had already left. I checked the time, 1am. Eh not too late. I went on my Twitter and tweeted to some of the fans. Timezones suck, but at the same time they're great because nobody would be up at 1am to talk unless they were in a different time zone where it's earlier in the day.

I check Elizabeth Twitter, just wanting to keep up with her. I saw that she posted a picture of her and her friend at work. She works at subway? Thats cool. I stare at the picture and realized, the guy next to her was Tony, the guy that was working at the subway I went to.

Was she there when I was there? Why didn't I see her? Did she know I was there? If she did know I was there, was she avoiding me? I hope not.

Shit. Thats when I remembered that Tobi told me she dm'ed me today. I check my dm and see her message was still there. I smiled. Maybe this means I have a chance. She sent that message hours ago and I didn't reply. I hope she doesn't think I'm ignoring her. I quickly respond to her saying, "Hey, did u get your shreddies?" Stupid question because I already knew she did not only because I tried to see her that day but also because she tweeted about it. She doesn't need to know that though, then she'd definitely think I'm a stalker.

She didn't respond. I guess it makes sense, it's already 3am. I scroll through Twitter one last time and then I see Mark posted something and mentioned Elizabeth saying, "Looks like my little Lizzie is falling in love."

Who is she falling in love with? Am I too late?

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