Chapter 7

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Elizabeth's POV


"Hey did you get your shreddies?" I wake up to Vikk's message when I check my Twitter.

"Yep. Can't live without my favorite cereal." I send him back while eating a bowl of Shreddies. It's only 11:30 right now and I don't have much planned for today. I might end up seeing if any of my friends are free for the day to hang out.

I called up Rachael and asked her if she wanted to have a girls day with me and Kara. I don't even bother to ask Kara because I'd force her to go even if she didn't want to.

We go to the mall and decided to go see a movie. We are really shit at choosing what movie to watch because we all have different taste in movies. We made a rule that when we go see a movie together we see the movie that's soonest to be playing. Although this time.. we weren't so sure if that rule was good. The soonest movie to play was '50 Shades of Grey'. Yikes.

"Well, we can't break the rule so we might as well see it. The only other movie playing in a couple minutes is spongebob," I tell the girls. And I would not want to be seen watch a little kiddie movie.

We get tickets to see the movie, thank goodness we're all older than 18. We got our snacks for the movie, I got a bunch of candy, Kara got popcorn, and Rachael got nachos. Realistically we know we're gonna end up sharing it all anyway.

We get to the theater and sit down in one of the middle rows. I looked around the theater to make sure there weren't any little kids watching this movie. That would be hecka awkward.

After watching the movie we go get a bite to eat. The movie was... interesting to say the least. Definitely not something I'd watch with my parents.

When at the restaurant I noticed two people that looked familiar. It was Simon and Josh. I went up to them to say hi. Trying to seem casual, ya know, don't want them to think I'm a psycho stalk fan or anything.

"Hi, Simon and Josh I'm a fan of your videos and I was wondering if I could get a picture," I asked them. I try to sound laid baack and cool. I mean I am around the same age as them, why am I frighten by this.

"Sure we'd love to, what's your name?" Josh asked me.

"Elizabeth Webb, but you can call me Eli, Liz, Lizzie, Beth... I got a lot of nicknames," I replied. wow I must sound really lame.

"Your names Elizabeth Webb? That's a nice name," Simon said, looking at Josh slightly, "well come on let's take this picture."

Instead of having Kara or Rachael take the picture, I wanted to take a selfie. Classic Selfies are just great. The picture looked really cute, definitely going on Twitter.

They seemed like pretty chill guys, they even asked us to join them to eat lunch. Wouldn't deny that offer of course. Good thing they did because they already had a table and we didn't and the wait time was near an hour. I felt like asking them where Vikk was but I decided not to, don't want to see nosy.

We talked for ages and it was honestly a lot of fun. I didn't expect them to be super chill with fans, then again we are around their age and probably don't seem too crazy. We asked them a lot of questions about what it's like being a youtuber, and what the other guys in the sidemen are like.

"Oh yeah being a youtuber is a lot of fun. And the sidemen are all great guys. JJ is a big jokester, Harry's a lot of fun, Ethan is gay, Tobi is super chill, and Vikk.. well Vikk is a great great guy," Josh said, looking directly at me.

I thought to myself, "Was Josh looking at me intentionally when he said something about Vikk? Does Vikk know who I am and talks about me? holy mother of amazingness."

After what seemed like ages the guys said they had to leave to record some videos. Once they left me, Kara, and Rachael started talking about how amazing that was to have lunch with 2 of the sidemen.

When we got back to the flat we decided to stay up late watching movies. Rachael was just gonna sleep over for our girls day so we can have fun all night long.

I quickly changed into my pajamas and put my hair up. I checked my Twitter and posted the picture of me with Simon and Josh, tagging them and say 'Had such an awesome day, met Simon and Josh. coolest guys ever'.

I scrolled though some of my feed and noticed that Vikk made a post about him being sick.. awh that sucks. He hadn't messaged me back from this morning and I'd been wondering why. It was because he's sick.

Me and the girls stayed up until 3, watched a whole bunch of chick flicks and romance movies. I made sure that we watched 'The Notebook', it's just necessary.

Before going to bed I check Twitter one last time. I noticed that Vikk replied to the picture I posted of me Simon and Josh.

"Wish I could've been there."

I wish you could've been there too Vikk.

Giving Fate a Chance (Vikkstar123 Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin