Chapter 8

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Vikk's POV


I woke up at 10 am with a sore throat and a bad headache. shit. I hate being sick. The worst thing about being sick is that I can't record new videos unless I want my voice to sound like a dying frog.

I go to the store and pick up some cough medicine and aspirin. Before checking out I swing by the cereal section. I am running low on shreddies. I also just felt the need to stand in the place where I last saw her, when I met her. The only real memory I have of her. It's been what like 3 days and I still haven't stopped thinking about her.

Not only am I sick, but I'm love sick. I want to see her again so badly. I'd do anything to see her again. Anything. These have been some long 3 days.

When I get home I eat my shreddies, take the meds then head back to bed. I'm so tired. My bed is so comfortable.

When I wake up again it's 2 pm. I'm still not feel too well. I post a couple tweets saying, "not feel so well today."

"Not sure if I'll be able to post any videos today. Really sorry guys."

I always feel like a bad person when I let my fans down. I can't post a video today and I know they're expecting one. Maybe if I have the energy I'll make some kind of montage or clip of some videos or animation. Then at least there will be one video out.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." It's Simon.

"Hey I heard you weren't feeling to well. I'm gonna guess you won't be able to come with us to the mall today?"

Shit I totally forgot about that. Now I feel worse. I finally get some free time and I'm sick. "Yeah I don't think I'll be able to go, sorry Si."

I hope nothing important happens at the mall today. That would suck so much. I really hate being sick, you miss out on whatever happens that day. All you can do is sleep and think. Right now I'm thinking about sleeping with Elizabeth. woah, never thought I'd think that so soon. Must be the sickness talking.

I decided that I didn't want to leave the fans hanging. I made a short montage of some of my favorite hunger games moments. It's the least I could do. There's no excuse as to why I can't post a video, even if I am sick. It just takes some dedication. I quickly tweet out saying," Made a hunger games montage. Only video I'll be able to out out today. Couldn't leave you guys hanging <3 " The feedback was great, my fans are so amazing and supportive.

I didn't even realize I feel back to sleep until I wake up by a loud slam of the door and people shouting my name.

Simon and Josh rush in to the room and say simultaneously, "You will not believe who we saw at the mall today!!"

"Who? Jennifer Lawrence?"

"No, if only though. We saw Elizabeth," Josh said with a grin

I jumped up straight in my bed, "WHAT?! You saw Elizabeth?? My Elizabeth, at the mall.. today?!"

I once again miss out on the great opportunity to see Elizabeth again. Damn. I feel so stupid. I'm so pissed right now.

"Vikk, you look really upset. I'm sorry man. Do you want to know what happened though?" Simon asked me.

They told me that Elizabeth went up to the saying she's a fan and asking for a picture with them. Then she told them her name they automatically recognized her as the girl I've been talking about. They invited her and her friends to eat lunch with them. They wanted to get to know her, for my sake. They didn't tell her anything about me, thank goodness. They told me that she's a great person. She's funny, smart, and has an adorable laugh Simons says.

If I was there, I would've finally been able to see her again, talk to her, and find out if these feels I have for her are real. But no... I just had to get sick.

When they left my room I went on Twitter to see if Elizabeth had posted anything. She posted the selfie she took with Simon and Josh saying,"Had such an awesome day, met Simon and Josh. coolest guys ever."

I was honestly feeling kinda jealous right now. She met them and thought they were really cool. They'd have such a better chance at her than me. They actually talked to her for a while. I only got a couple minutes.

I tweeted a reply saying,"Wish I was there." It's the truth. I'd do anything to have been there to see her again.

Later on, right before I went to bed I got a tweet notification. I wasn't expecting a reply back from her, especially this late at night but she responded to what I said.

"I wish you were there too Vikk."

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