Chapter 17

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Elizabeth's POV

Sunday (Cont.):

"Vikk." I couldn't stop smiling. I've been waiting for this moment.. for an entire week. I don't even know what to say to him. wow.

He walks up to me and takes off his mask. "I know this might seem insane, but I've been wanting to see you again ever since that night at the store and I haven't been able to stop thinking of you," he says with a smile.

"Really?" I respond. Damn I must be blushing up a storm right now. Thank goodness for this mask.

He reaches for my face. what the fleep is he gonna kiss me? He doesn't. He just slowly takes off my mask and whispers, "beautiful."

"Its kinda loud in here. Do you wanna go outside and talk?" He asked me shyly.

"Sure I'd like that," I say and he lead me toward one of the back exits. I turned my head before we left out the door and saw my friends watching us with huge grins on their faces. dorks.

It wasn't all that dark outside, which was weird because it was like almost 10 at night. I looked up and realized it was because of all the lights hanging up around us. "It's so beautiful out here," I gasp.

"Not as beautiful as you," he responds confidently. smooth af.

Outside the party it was really beautiful. There was an open field. Lights hanging on poles illuminating the night. Nobody was outside either. Most likely because it's cold out and because the party is super turnt.

"Hey are you cold? We could go back inside of you want?" Vikk asks me.

"No I'm fine. And before you say it, keep ur jacket," I say as I see him about to slip off the jacket.

"So how have you been Elizabeth?" Vikk asks me.

"I've been good. It's been a rather crazy week. And just so you know you don't have to call me Elizabeth. You can call me a nickname," I told him. Nobody calls me Elizabeth, but I really like the way he says it.

"I like Elizabeth more. It suits you," he replies with a smile.

We could still faintly here the music going on in the building; it was Photograph by Ed Sheeran.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Vikk asks scratching his neck.

"I'd love to."

He took my hand and we danced together. It was really sweet. He spun my around and it a picture perfect moment. He held me close as we moved in sync. This moment was perfect.

Vikk held on to me even when the song was over. I'm not complaining about it. He was warm and his embrace was amazing. "Oh crap sorry," he says and let go, "didn't realize the song was over."

"Oh no it's okay," I said with a smile.

"Can I be real with you for a minute here, Elizabeth?"

"I didn't know we were being fake but yeah," I said with a laugh.

"I like you, like a lot. And I can't get you off my mind. And you're the only thing in my life right now that just feels right. And I don't know if you'd like me back. I know it seems crazy because we barely know each other, but I feel like you know me better than anyone and-"

I interrupt him by kissing him. Smooth as fuck. "I like you Vikk," I said with a giggle.

"You do?"

"I do."

He kissed me and this time it felt magically. It was a short kiss, but I felt like time escaped me when his lips were on mine.

We went back inside to hang with our friends. After all we did come for this party. I gave him my number and headed off to my friends.

They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. I noticed Mark with someone I didn't recognize. "Hey Mark, who's this fine fellow," I asked him with a smirk.

"Oh this is Liam, a friend of mine," he says shyly. Mhmm, friend.

"Well I have something to say. I kissed Vikk," I say with confidence.

All of a sudden Kara and Rachael pop out from outta no where. "No ducking way tell us all the detail," Kara says. Typical Kara.

"What so now me and Kara are the only ones without a date tonight?? Not saying Liam and Mark are dating or anything. Woooow," Rachael says sarcastically.

"Well what about Tony?" I asked.

"Nope. He left. Said he had to meet a girl here. Don't know who though," Kara said.

The rest of the night was so much hype. We danced all night and had a great time. I saw Vikk a couple time through your the party. He also seemed to be having a good time. Everytime I saw him I smiled, me and Vikk. That thought alone was amazing.

We didn't get home until 2 in the morning. Everyone decided to crash at me and Kara's place. Before I went to bed I grabbed my phone and tweeted,

"Best. Night. Ever."

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