chapter 28

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After the short war that had just occurred all the injured was sent to the infirmary, including Ysa's unconscious body.
The Shinoa Hiragi Squad, Xyrell, Guren, and Shinya was at one of the hospital rooms that Ysa is staying on.
Tokohama was sitting next to Ysa, holding her hand as tears stream down his face.

this is all his fault.
none of this would have happened if he just didn't get close to Ysa, to a human.
he should have just stayed away from them, if he did none of this would have happened.

he kept thinking as more and more tears stream down his face and as he held her hand tighter.
Everyone looked at Tokohama looking very worried at the scene they are seeing.
Yuu, who had just finished putting bandages on, walked over at him and patted his shoulder.
he looked over his shoulder and saw that Yuu is trying his best to put on a smile even thought the tears in his eyes are very visible.

Yuu: I don't think she'll like seeing you with that kind of face you know, if she ever see you like that she'll stretch your face and wont stop until she see a smile

even with all the sadness in him he manage to giggle a little, knowing very well that that would happened.

tokohama: yeah, i guess so

his smile became a frown not long after as he remember what had happened at Ysa.

Tokohama: do you think that she'll be alright?

Yuu: i can guarantee you that she will be a hundred percent alright, i mean she is strong and you know that

he looked down at Ysa's hand and watch as teardrops drop at ysa's hand.
he then wiped the tears out of his face as he notice that his vision is being blurred because of the tears.

Tokohama: then can you also guarantee that it wont happened to her again?

yuu sigh and looked away.

Yuu: that is the only thing i cant guarantee

then suddenly Xyrell and Shinoa clapped their hands to gain everyone's attention.

Shinoa: now now there is no need to be so down, like what Yuu-san said Ysa-chan wouldn't want to see us like this

Xyrell: yeah so lets just calm down for a moment and talk about other things, like why do you think that the vampires attacked us?

Guren: even though we're enemies and trying to kill each other doesn't mean that they should attack us so recklessly, they're not THAT dumb

Shinya: all of us are tying to figure it out but we can only make theories on why they did--

Tokohama stood up, not letting go of Ysa's hand, which made Shinya cut what he was saying.
all their attention was on Tokohama as he faced everyone.

Tokohama: i know the reason why they did it, they did that just so they can make me return back to the vampire city

Yoichi: now now Tokohama-kun we dont know that for sure---

Tokohama: but it makes sence why they did it, to get me and bring me back but unfortunatly all they got was information on what what happened to Ysa which by the way what the hell is this seraph of the end even mean

the teens looked over at the three adults standing before them and they had the same confused expression as Tokohama.

Guren: sorry but you all are to immature for that kind of information

they all sigh in defeat knowing that they will never get that answer from them.

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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