chapter 6

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~time skip~
Ysa's POV
I can't believe it we actually found the map.
It was really hard to find because Ferid's house is SO big, but we found it.
Now we running as fast as we can to the exit.
But we were stop when we saw two vampires coming our way, Tokohama push me to the side so the vampires won't see me.

1st vampire: prince Tokohama you are not allowed here

Tokohama: and why is that?

2nd vampire: the Queen said so prince

While they are talking I saw Tokohama signaling me to go and I did.
I was running as fast as I can when I finally get there i peeked at the entrance to see if the exit is actually inside.
It is and also the other Hyakuya.
They looked so scared and Onii-chan looks so angry, I was confused at first but then I saw Ferid was also there.
The others run to the exit while Onii-chan and Mika-chan distract Ferid, but it was no use he was to fast.
He then started killing them one at a time.
I was just standing there frozen at what's happening and crying silently.
He's killing my family while I'm just here seeing everything.
Now he's infront of Akane, oh no please don't, he then ripped her head of with one swipe.
There was only Onii-chan and Mika-chan left.
Mika-chan tried to shoot Ferid but he pushed Mika-chan's hand away which made come off with the gun.
Onii-chan quickly took the gun and shot Ferid in the head which made him fall down and bleed.
Onii-chan went to Mika-chan and tried to drag him to the exit but Mika-chan just push him away and said something to him he then started crying and run to the exit.

Ysa: e-everyone p-please do-don't leave me

Someone then tap my shoulder, I turn around to see Tokohama.
He notice that I'm crying and hugged me.
I started crying in his chest when I heard someone coming.
I pulled away and looked back at the exit and saw that it was Krul.

Tokohama: what's Onee-chan doing there?

I saw Ferid sat up, HE'S STILL ALIVE???!!!, and Krul tasting
Mika-chan's blood from the floor.
Ferid and Krul then started talking and fighting but when they are done Krul went to Mika-chan, bite her lip which made it bleed and move closet to him and KISSED HIM?!!
Before I see anything else Tokohama carried me,bridal style, and ran back to his room.
When we got there he put me down in the bed and look at me.
I was crying harder each minute.
Why did I just stand there and did nothing to help them?

Tokohama: at least Yuichiro san and Mikaela-san are still alive

Ysa: M-Mika-chan is still alive?

Tokohama: yeah he drank vampire blood which means he's half vampire but if he drinks human blood he'll become a full vampire the one that never age

Ysa: s-so h-he be-became half vampire?

Tokohama: yeah now you should go to bed

Ysa: w-why?

Tokohama: well you need to have energy so you'll be resting until tomorrow ok the day after that we'll go to my sister about you-know-what

Ysa: o-ok f-f-fine

I lay down in the bed and hugged the pillow.
I also feel Tokohama getting in the bed and laying down.

Tokohama: don't worry Yuichiro-san and Mikaela-san is still alive and I'm also here to protect you so don't worry

Ysa: thanks Tokohama I'm also here for you ok

I close my eyes and cry silently again until I cry myself to sleep.
End of POV

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