chapter 4

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~ morning ~
Today is the day, I need to think of a plan to do this.
I'm really sad but I have to find the exit and I'm doing this for them.
All of the Hyakuya, including me, went outside because the vampires will take our blood.
But I went on my own, cuz I wanna talk to Tokohama.
I have been searching for him for a few minutes now but I still can't find him, where is he? ?

Ysa: Tokohama where are you?

When I turn around I saw Tokohama behind me.

Tokohama: you called?

When did he get there. Wait that doesn't matter right now.

Ysa : so what did your sister said about your decision? you know

Tokohama: at first she was disappointed but then she agreed
But she also said that if I come back here she will turn me back into a vampire, but I'll still do it

Ysa: are you sure?

Tokohama: yeah I'm sure Ysa

Ysa: ok we'll start searching tonight ok

Tokohama: ok but did you tell your family yet

I sigh and look down.

Ysa: not yet maybe tonight I guess

~at night~
It's time, good thing everyone is asleep right now.
I was just writing a letter to them to tell goodbye.
When I was done I put the letter at the table and sigh sadly.
I can't believe I'm about to do this. I'm doing this for them so I hope they'll forgive me.
This is really hard for me to leave them.
I then heard a light tapping at the door, maybe it's Tokohama.
I open the door to reveal Tokohama.

Tokohama: so are you ready?

I guess it's time to say goodbye, I look back upstairs and sigh.

Ysa: wait

I quietly ran upstairs and kiss everyone in their forehead,even Akane, and whisper goodbye to them.
I went back downstairs and look at Tokohama.
I still can't believe I'm doing this.
I gave Tokohama a determine smile which made him smile as well.
We both went outside and look at each other.

Ysa: now I'm ready
End of POV

~morning the next day~
Every wakes up and notice Ysa wasn't there,mostly Yuu,.
They all look for her but she wasn't there so they went downstairs but she still wasn't there, but they did see a letter on a table.
They went to the table to see it, but when Yuu open the letter he became shock that it was from Ysa.

Yuu: hey everyone it's from Ysa

Mika: read it Yuu-chan

Yuu: ok
Dear everyone you guys are probably wondering where I am but don't worry I'm fine I'm just with Tokohama looking for the exit, again font worry I'll be fine, Tokohama is like the most powerful person I've met and he will protect me.
Anyway sorry for not telling you all this and for leaving but I promise I will come back and we will all get out of here, again I'm really sorry and I love you all, see you all soon.

While they were listening, tears started steaming down their faces, especially Yuu.
Yuu hold the paper tighter and cry even harder.

Yuu: please Y-Ysa, please tell me this is not true please come back

All of them started crying harder.
Then Akane walk over to Yuu.

Akane: I'm so so so sorry if I hadn't told her all those mean things she would probably still be here

Mika,Yuu and everyone else shake their head as a no and look at her.

Mika: hey l-l-look there's more below read it Yuu-chan

Yuu: o-ok
P.S oh yeah if, I said IF, Akane blame herself for me doing this then tell her no , she shouldn't blame herself this was my decision and tell Akane I'm really sorry for ignoring her for the past week I didn't mean to I'm just angry but I'm not anymore so I hope you forgive me

Mika: you heard it Akane so you shouldn't blame yourself anymore, let's just hope Ysa is ok

Akane and the others nod in agreement.
But Yuu just look down, he miss his little sister so much, but he knew he has to trust Ysa.

Yuu: ok

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