chapter 13

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Ysa's POV
~the next day~
I wake up and yawned, the sun is so bright that it might blind me so I lazily class the curtains and sit up.

Ysa: good morning

I whisper to myself as I stood up and lazily went to the bathroom and take a shower.
When I was done I put on my uniform and comb my hair.
I grabbed my keys and went outside and locked the door.
I saw Xyrell-nee and Tokohama talking, I went to them and smile.

Ysa: good morning, so what are you guys talking about

Tokohama/Xyrell: morning

Tokohama: well were just talking about the school that were going to

Xyrell: that's right now let's go

We then left and walked to the school.
I am so excited we can finally join JIDA and kill some bloodsuckers I'm really excited.
~ at school~
I'm so not excited.
I'm so bored, why aren't we training? Or killing vampires?, I mean the writing on the board said Math-Mental
And the other students are being noisy.
The teacher of our class is Sayuri-san, one of Guren-san's teammate,and I got to be honest I think she's obsessed with him, just sayin.
Just as she was teaching Guren-san came in.

Guren: all of you brats SHUT UP!

Then the room fell in silence, Wait a sec aren't he suppose to be the teacher?

Ysa: hey Guren aren't you suppose to be the teacher?

Guren: Yeah I know but I'm to busy and tired to do it so Sayuri will be your substitute

Ysa/Tokohama: why am I not surprise

We both roll our eyes and just listened to the lesson.

~a few days later~
Today was just another normal day.
Me and Tokohama sitting at our seats and Sayuri-san teaching.

Ysa: why do we have to learn these things? I want to fight vampires not learn about math

Tokohama: I know, I feel the same way but what can we do?

I sigh in agreement and just watch her teach until Guren-san, Shinya-kun and Xyrell-nee came in.

Xyrell/Shinya: wazzap

They both smile and wave and everyone tensed up when they saw them, I guess it's their first time seeing Major Generals.

Guren: why is it always noisy here when I'm not around?

I stood up from my seat and point at him.

Ysa: Hey, Gurendpa, when are we gonna get our curse weapon?!

Xyrell-nee and Shinya-kun snickered behind Guren.

Guren: G-Gurendpa?!

Ysa: yeah it's my new nickname for you, like it?, so when are we gonna get our cursed weapon?

Xyrell-nee giggled.

Xyrell: Gurendpa that's hilarious

He rolled his eyes and look back at me.

Guren: fine but first I'll give you all a test first

Guren touched the hilt of his sword.
Tokohama stand up from his seat.

Tokohama: what is he doing?

Guren: don't blame me if you die, blame yourself for not training hard enough

He unsheathed his sword and black smoke started to come out.
Soon enough it filled the whole room and the lights closed so it was a little dark.
The other students started to faint which made us confuse.

Randomstudent: my feels like it's being ripped apart..

He then fell unconscious.

Ysa: what is happening? I don't feel anything

I turn to Tokohama.

Ysa: do you?

Tokohama: no but look they are still standing

He pointed at the front of the room and I saw Sayuri-san with a protective Fuda, but Xyrell-nee and Shinya-kun doesn't have a Fuda.

Guren: ok done

He puts his sword back into its sheath and look around the room and saw the other students laying on the floor,
Then he looked at both of us.

Guren: for those students who are unconscious, you failed, for those who are still standing good job you will start signing of contract with the black demons today

Sayuri: but Lieutenant Colonel Guren,
I don't think Tokohama will be able to survive

Guren: and why is that?

Sayuri:he's heart only contains stability

Guren: so what? If he dies it's not my fault

Xyrell-nee wacked him in the head.

Xyrell: shut up, Itchy nose, I will kill you if you say that again

Guren: ok ok now Ysa Tokohama let's go

Ysa/Tokohama: really? Yes!

We both high hive each other and saw they're already going so we followed.

~at the place where they make contract with demons~

We all inside a very big room.
The room has big weird looking statues in them.

Guren: now pick a weapon

There was a sniper riffle, double blade, and a sword.
Well of course I choose the sword cuz that's what I'm good at.
So I went to the sword which is chained infront of the statue.
I also saw Tokohama going to the sniper riffle.

Guren: now begin

I touched it and suddenly everything went black.

~on the sword~
I woke up and found myself in a white room, as in everything is just white.

Ysa: where the heck am I!??

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