chapter 10

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Ysa's POV
YES YES!!!! I can finally get out of here.
It's already been a week since they told me that I was gonna get out and I'm feeling so much better in finally have my normal streaght back.
So I'm at the bathroom with Xyrell, she's helping get change even though I can do it myself she insisted on helping me so yeah.
When were finally finished we got out of the bathroom and went to Tokohama's bed.

Ysa: I can visit him later right?

Xyrell nod and smile.

Xyrell: yeah you can but I need to show you you're apartment first

Ysa: okay

I turn to Tokohama.

Ysa: I'll see you later Tokohama

I turn to Xyrell and she held out her hand and I took it.
We left the room and walked out of the hospital and went outside.
Wow everything is destroyed all the buildings roads everything destroyed.
Except for a few, which is where we are maybe they rebuild it, who knows.
We got into a building and went inside and went to the elevator when we got to our floor we got out and started walking down the hallway.
We stop infront of a door.
207 was apartment's number.
Xyrell showed a key and unlock the door.
We both went in, it's a perfect size room for one person, it is a little small but it's perfect.
There's a bed at the side and beside it is a desk with a chair and behind it was a window, there's also a closet at the only her side if the room and next to it was a door for the bathroom.
Xyrell put the clothes that she got me at the closet.

Xyrell: ok so you should go and take a shower ok after that your clothes are here at the closet and after you change I'll just be outside and my apartment is just right next to yours ok

I nod and she gave me my keys with a JIDA key chain and left the room.
I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes and showered.
After I'm done I put on a pair of shorts, a green t-shirt, and a green jacket and some sneakers and put my hair into a pony tail.
I took my keys and put them into my pocket and left the room to see Xyrell leaning in the wall waiting for me, I locked my door and went to her, she's still wearing her uniform why won't they take it off?
When she saw me she smile and take my hand and we started walking to the hospital.
~at the hospital~
When we got into Tokohama's room I opened the door and saw Tokohama still sleeping, as usual, I ran at the side of his bed and hold one of his hands.
He's still pale and lifeless like but not as much as before.
I giggled and look at him while smiling sadly.

Ysa: I see you're feeling better that before so won't you please wake up

I hold his hand tighter and look down.
Then I heard a growling me and Xyrell look at Tokohama and saw that he was moving a little and the next thing we knew was him fluttering his eyes and then he fully open his eyes.

Tokohama: where am I? What happened

I am so happy right now that I jumped on the bed and hugged him.
He was shock at first but calmed down and hugged me back.

Ysa: I can't believe you're awake, I was so worried I taught you'll never wake up

Tokohama: well I'm awake now so you don't have to worry

We pulled away and he pointed at Xyrell.

Tokohama: who's that?

Ysa: that is Xyrell-san, Xyrell Tachibana, she's the one that helped us, Xyrell-san do you mind if we talk in private

Xyrell: ok but remember that I'm just outside waiting ok

She left the room and shut the door.

Tokohama: so did it work am I human again?
Do you mind and check, my eyes first

I nod and look at his eyes it's not red anymore but instead dark gray, it's kinda cute.

Ysa: it's gray now, it's kinda cute

I whispered the last part but he heard.

Tokohama: awww thanks and do I still have fangs

I look at his teeth and saw that he doesn't, he's now a human.

Ysa: there's no more fangs, that means you're not a vampire anymore

He was so happy that he hugged me.

Tokohama: thank you Ysa helping me and for staying by my side

I hugged back.

Ysa: you're welcome Tokohama and thank you for helping me to

But then Guren, Shinya, and Xyrell opened the door with a tray of food.

Shinya: are we interrupting something?

We both pulled away and smiled at them.

Ysa: no you didn't and Tokohama this is Shinya and Guren

They both wave at him and smile

Guren: it's nice to meet you Tokohama Sanneru

Tokohama gave me a confused look and I just winked at him and he got the message that I change his name so they won't know he's a vampire or used to be.

Tokohama: nice to meet all of you

Xyrell: well you should eat you must be hungry

They gave him the tray and he started eating and when he was done he put the tray aside and ask

Tokohama: so how did all of you met?

We started explaining everything to him.

Tokohama: well thank you for helping us

They smile and nod.
Guren stand up and cleared his throat
And all of our attention turned to him.

Guren: do the two of you want to kill and get revenge on those vampires

We both look at each other confuse then Tokohama nod so I also agree.

The two of us: we do but how?

Guren: we will train you to be strong and enough so you can join the Japanese Imperial Demon Army
And kill those vampires

We both nod and smile.

Xyrell: of course Tokohama you still need to heal, but Ysa-chan I'll train you

I look at her and smile.

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