chapter 24

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So today is THE day.
The day where the world may probably end.
The day where the world will crumble.
The day where Xyrell's world will perish.
Today is the day of her and Kureto's date.


Ysa, Shinoa and Mitsuba are fixing Xyrell for her date.

Shinoa: Done!

They all looked at the final result and it shocked them.
She is wearing a mint green dress with black tips and black shoes with a slight of heel.
Her hair tied up in a side braid and tiny bit of make up.

Ysa: Xyrell-nee! You look so pretty!!

Mitsuba: Yeah, and we really can't recognize you cuz you always wear your JIDA uniform and look like a guy

Xyrell sweat dropped and giggle nervously at their compliment.

Xyrell: I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult..

Ysa looked at the clock on top of the night stand and saw it was already 2:50.

Ysa: Xyrell-nee! You only have ten minutes left you should go now

Xyrell nodded and headed for the door.

Xyrell: Thanks for your help girls, I owe you guys alot

Mitsuba: It's ok Xyrell-san, but you remember what you're going to do right?

Xyrell nodded once again before waving good bye to them and finally leaving, heading for Kureto's office.

Shinoa: You guys got everything?

The two girls nod as they pulled out a camera and pens and notepads.

Thetwo: Yep!

Shinoa: Good now let's go!

They all ran out of the room, heading outside.


Xyrell ran down the hallway.
It's already been 7 minutes, so she thinks she's already late since she also don't have a watch to check the time.
But she made it in time.
She pushed the door open surprising Kureto.
She panted as she leaned on the wall.

Xyrell: I*pant* am so s*pant*sorry I'm late

Kureto looked at her, blushing madly.
She looked beautiful.
He would never thought that Xyrell would actually wear a dress.

Kureto: You look beautiful

Xyrell looked at Kureto in disbelief, he actually complimented someone.
But what shocked her more is that Kureto is wearing a black suit with a dark green tie.
She blushed and stood up properly and started walking toward him.

Xyrell: wow you actually wore a suit and not your uniform, I'm impressed

Kureto: shut up now let's go so we won't waste any time

They both got our of the office and started walking somewhere.

They finally reached their destination.
It was the rooftop!
Xyrell's jaw dropped at the scenery.
Everything was decorated with lights and flowers and all those cheesy things.
And at the side it has a table with ready made food.
And at the middle of it is a battle space with weapons on the the side.
Why would they fight on a date?

Xyrell: I am speechless, do you do all this?

Kureto looked away blushing.

Kureto: kinda

Xyrell started roaming around, still amazed at the beautiful decor.

Kureto: Xyrell let's go and eat we don't want the food to get cold

Xyrell: yeah yeah

They both went to the table and sit down
'I cant believe I'm saying this but this is actually very nice' Xyrell thought as they both started eating.
When they were done, Xyrell patted her stomach, satisfied.

Xyrell: I'm stuffed!, that was delicious!

Xyrell glance at Kureto and saw him holding a bouquet of flowers, which in their world is very rare, since the world ended.
He handed it to Xyrell while blushing and looking away.

Kureto: here, someone just gave it to me and I don't need it so I am giving it to you, don't think of anything weird

Xyrell sweat dropped and accepted it.
'Don't think of and nothing weird, yet were on  a date' She smiled softly as she smelled the flowers 'but this does seem familiar'

9 year old Xyrell was at the Hiragi house in their garden, just looking at the flowers.

Xyrell: They're so pretty

Then she felt someone put something on her head.
She looked behind her, finding Kureto with his hands on his back and looking away, with a blush that is reaching until his ears.

Kureto: Hey, d-don't think of anything weird... I-It's just that I found it and I r-really don't need it so that's why I'm giving it to you... It's not like I like you o-or anything...

He said the last part in almost a whisper but Xyrell heard it. She blushed and touched the flower crown that is place on her head.

Xyrell: Thank you so much! Whoever made this is super awesome!! The flowers crown is so cuteeeee~

The 10 year old boy's cheeks turned 50 shades redder.


Xyrell smirked, remembering that time when they were little.

Xyrell: The flowers are really beautiful!
I wonder who gave them~

Kureto looked at his Chocolate Ice-cream cake and just started eating.
Xyrell giggled at his reaction and just eat her dessert aswell.
While eating they talked about some pretty random stuff but always avoiding talking about work or wars or their past.

Once they were done Xyrell patted her stomach and sigh in relief.

Xyrell: That was amazing~!

Kureto nodded and stood up.
Xyrell got confuse when she saw Kureto suddenly go to the battle space and grabbed a sword.
Her eyes widen as she saw Kureto ran toward her and suddenly attack her.
She dodged it by jumping backwards from her seat.
The attack hit the chair and it broke into tiny pieces.
Xyrell tch'ed as Kureto swing his sword toward her.
She ran to the battle space and grabbed a sword to dodge his attacks.

Xyrell: now what's this about~?

Kureto: Hm, just a little battle I want to do.

Xyrell swing her sword toward Kureto but he dodged it.
They both jumped in the air and started attacking each other.

Xyrell: And why is that?

Kureto: I just want to see if you became weaker or stronger

He tried to kick Xyrell but she stopped it by holding into his foot when it was about to hit her. She flipped him and he hit the floor face first.

Xyrell: I'm pretty confident that I became stronger

She let her guard down for a second and now Kureto is infront of her face.
There eyes met for a moment before their lips touched.
Her eyes widen and she looses her grip on her sword.
It made a loud sound that could be heard through the whole rooftop.
Her face flushed a fifty Shades of red as her mind is screaming.

I am very sorry for not updating for........I think a month or three weeks.
I can't find an excuse for not doing it but  I'm lazy


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