Harry instantly looked towards Louis who was looking towards the woman with a confused expression. An awkward laugh left his lips because what the hell else could he do? He was in front of the man that he loved and a girl that he was fucking just called him baby.

"Who's this?" Danielle's voice questioned, gazing at Louis who was sizing her up. She was dressed in a revealing tank top and a pair of ripped jeans with her dark chocolate hair swaying down to her chest.

"I'm Louis, who are you?" The smaller man replied, crossing his arms over his chest because who the hell is this bitch? At this moment, he really wished that he cared about Harry because he could just feel the anger that would have been coursing through his veins.

Before she could open her mouth and fuck up any chance Harry had with Louis, the curly haired man simply said, "Her name is Danielle," he even added a smile to diffuse the situation incase there was one.

"His girlfriend," she added, grinning from ear to ear as she cocked her head to the side like a kitten would.

"I wouldn't say that." Harry coughed, scratching at the back of his neck in order to avoid eye contact with the man across from him. "Just friends, really."

"A close pair of friends." Louis chuckled, raising his eyebrows. He needed to get the hell away from these two. They looked like they could be related in some way and the fact that Harry went from him to a girl who does not know how to control her cleavage just made him a little angry.

"Oh, please. We totally do stuff that 'just friends' wouldn't do." Danielle scoffed, rolling her brown orbs at the man who was clenching his jaw at the woman.

"Anyways." Harry snapped, not paying mind to her because she was really beginning to piss him off and his finger tips were starting to tingle. "Why are you here?"

Louis' left eye twitched for a second, a strange feeling settling through his bones until he felt a bump against his shoulder. His grey orbs went towards the intruder, a smile spreading on his lips because it was Catherine who was saving him from this awkward reunion.

"Hey Lou, we were waiting for you." She chuckled, her hazel orbs raising to settle on Harry who was glaring down at her. "Oh, hello." She smirked, making sure to stand close to Louis as if to get a reaction out of him.

"Yeah," Harry scoffed, glaring hard at the woman who fucked everything up. How dare this bitch stand next to Louis after shooting his boyfriend? Why the fuck are they so close?

"Who's this? Your girlfriend? You moved on quite quickly."

The taller male smiled at that, his dimples making an appearance once again because this bitch was getting on his nerves. "It's been a year," he retorted, "You know, since I got shot. It's funny actually because they never seemed to catch the gunman."

He furrowed his eyebrows while he played the role of the confused victim. What he really wanted to do was just tell Louis that his beloved best friend was the one who nearly killed him.

All Catherine did was shrug, sending him a wink before grabbing onto Louis' shoulders, leaning into his ear to tell him that the boys where all ready to go and that he shouldn't be speaking to Harry. The smaller man was reluctant but nodded his head, offering a "See you around".

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