Chapter 19-Solved

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"There's something I want to tell you...for a long time.."


It has been 4 days ever since Taehyung called and gave them the hint but none of them seem to get it. They have been staring at the paper for 3 days now and nothing came in their head.

"Argh! Why can't he just tell the answer? I'm getting tired and frustrated!" Yoongi complained.

"It's because he can't, Gi. It's what he sees in his surroundings, maybe a sign or something."

"But the question is, why did he call for you when he could've said it to Jungkook?" Jin asked, setting the tray of food down.

"Maybe he knows where it is instead of the five of us." Hoseok said as he took a slice of cake.

"Jimie, do you remember where the both of you played after I was claimed?" Jin questioned.

Jimin tried his best to remember.

There was fruits everywhere.

Wait, not just any fruit.

Then, there was a house that was on the field.

It was a field...what kind of field.

Jimin took the paper and read the numbers. He then read the alphabets.

"I got it! The numbers represents the position of each letter. So...Blueberry Field!" Jimin exclaimed in excitement.

(Did you get the answer right?)

"Where is it?"

"The field next to the border to go to North Korea."

"That's like, far away from here!"

"No wonder Taehyung said to save him on time. Hurry up! We have a week!" Jimin rushed around the house to take the neccessary items.

Everyone did the same and rushed out. They took Jungkook's car and speed to Taehyung.


Taehyung sat down against the wall and hugged his knees.

Please hurry...

Taehyung walked over to the computer as there was a message sent.

"Dear Sir Kim,

Seems that your flight today is cancelled so your  date of departure will change. Reach home safely.

-Manager Siew"

Taehyung widened his eyes in shock and fear. He covered his mouth and stepped back until his feet reaches the bed.

The next thing he hears was the front door slam shut.


Jimin ran to Blueberry Field as the car was stuck in a traffic jam. He turned into a wolf and ran. Taehyung is a cat hybrid and Jin is a dog hybrid.

Jin followed Jimin, leaving the rest in the car.

Upon reaching the door, they could already hear Taehyung's screams.


Jin kicked the door open to save him but it was too late. Taehyung was lying on the bed that was stained with cum and blood mixed.

The sight was unbelievable to see.

Jin got the gun he packed in secret and aimed it at his father while Jimin tried to help Taehyung.

The both of them went to the bathroom but Taehyung kicked Jimin out of the bathroom and locked it, he needed to murder the baby again.

Whereas, Jin stepped closer to the horrible man.

"Come on, we could have the same fun. Don't be jealous."

"No! I DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING WITH YOU!!! Leave Taehyung and the rest alone..."

"What is my return?"

"Going to jail."

Soon after, sirens could be heard. Taehyung was done with the procedure and went out of the bathroom. Jimin walked over to him and supported him to walk.

The last thing Taehyung saw was his dad charging at him and a loud bang before he blacked out.

The rest finally came into the scene and found Taehyung lying above of Jimin. (Not that way!) Jungkook saw the blood that he was soaked in and picked him up. Luckily, he was wrapped around a blanket. Jimin then sat up and looked at his body.

"I-I-I wasn't shot..?"

"No. This man saved you." The police officer pointed at Taehyung.

"Taengie? No. No no no no no. T-this can't be happening...Jungkook...I..I."

Jin walked out of the room, injured.

"T-Taengie? Is Taengi okay?"

"Come on, honey. We gotta get you to the hospital."

Namjoon held both of Jin's shoulders and walked out of the house.

Jungkook picked Taehyung up bridal style and stared at the beautiful, pale boy.


"Can't we reverse time? What is it?"

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