Chapter 7-Tears

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Taehyung went up the stairs and turned left instead of turning right which was their 'bedroom'.

Taehyung made his way to Jungkook's work office in the house.

"Wow, well expected from someone who owns a mansion." Taehyung whispered.

I walked downstairs to see my girlfriend with a disappointed expression.

"Puberty?" She asked as took a sip of her tea.

"Y-yeah..." I replied. Odd, Taehyung has never talk back to me before. Did I break him?

"You know, there's a slight chance that boy likes you."

"How?" I questioned, even though I knew that.

"Taehyung is just heartbroken that his crush is dating someone else already, tough thing to get over."

Youngji took a bite of her sandwich and gave the other bread to me. I refrained myself from going to Taehyung and embrace to apologise but not infront of Youngji.


Taehyung scrolled through Jungkook's history and blushed many times.  Jungkook had his computer unlocked for Taehyung to see.

"Ah! Most of them are Porn!" Taehyung whispered shouted.

Taehyung sighed as he left the computer and went out of Jungkook's work room and to the main stairs.

"I just have a feeling, that's all."

"Well, Taehyung is younger than me. There's no way we would date." Jungkook's statement rang through Taehyung's ear, repeating all over again.

Taehyung was right, he was only bought for sexual desires.

Taehyung walked down the stairs and past the two couples, pretending not to hear anything.

"Taehyung, it's almost 8. Shouldn't you be in bed now?"

"Koo--Hyung, I'm not a child. I can sleep whenever I feel like to. It's not like I have anything going on tomorrow." Taehyung tried his best to stay calm.

Taehyung just took a glass of water and a few packets of biscuits for his dinner.

"Aren't you going to have a proper dinner? I could cook for you if you'd like." Youngji suggested.

"No thanks," Taehyung smiled at her. He then walked up the stairs and mumbled,"I don't want your disease to spread." It was soft enough for none of them to hear.


It was 12 AM and Taehyung was hiding in Jungkook's work room. He was waiting for Jungkook and Youngji to sleep before sleeping too.

Once he thinks it's alright, Taehyung went out. He walked past their bedroom and heard talkings.

"Did you tell him yet?" A female's voice was heard, it was definately not Youngji's.

"No, not yet. I'll wait for the perfect time. Just...wait for me in America and we'll get married there, alright?" Youngji's voice could be heard but not Jungkook's.

Taehyung could not believe his ears. Youngji is cheating on Jungkook. Well, it's not like Jungkook didn't do it too but how is Taehyung going to warn Jungkook? He'll most probably think that Taehyung is jealous or something.

Taehyung quietly walked to the sofa and slept there.


Taehyung could hear the television and laughter. Taehyung opened his eyes and found that he was on the floor. He looked at the couch and saw Youngji with a bowl of popcorn watching comedy movies.

Taehyung got up and walked to the main stairs to get to Jungkook's room to get his clothes.

Taehyung walked in and looked at the bed, Jungkook was still sleeping. Taehyung took an oversized black t-shirt and a white skinny jeans.


Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was standing right behind him.

"Get away from me...!"

"Why do you hate me so?" Jungkook held Taehyung's wrist.

"You...told me not to love you anymore..."

"Acting up like that doesn't mean that way...! I meant to stop calling 'Kookie','Master' or 'Daddy'."

Jungkook let go of Taehyung and turned.

"Wait! T-there's...something you need to know about...Youngji," Taehyung took a deep breath and stared directly into Jungkook's eyes.

"She's cheating on you..." Those words escaped from Taehyung's mouth and it somewhat made Taehyung feel relieved.

"Are you...."

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